Early warning: I am a complete beginner in every aspect to linux and operating my RPi 3b. I have had a nightmare of a time trying to get RuneAudio to cooperate with me. With that being said, these are the difficulties I've run into:
1) When trying to access my RPi through putty, I am given an error that the host does not exist. I am listing runeaudio as the host.
2) RuneAudio really does not want to connect so my Wifi. When using Raspbian I have no problem whatsoever connecting, but RuneAudio doesn't seem to respond when I enter my login info. I have tried switching my IP to static, checking that all required fields are, then switching back to DHCP, and have had no luck.
3) When attempting to connect play spotify, it acts as though it is permanently buffering/loading. I suspect this problem will be solved once I can connect to wifi, but I am not sure if it will so I'll mention it anyways.
I apologize in advance, I have essentially no coding/developing background so linux is terrifying to me (They only teach us to use glorified calculators in aerospace engineering (matlab)) Any help would be greatly appreciated