RuneAudio progress?

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RuneAudio progress?

Postby bdouble » 20 Sep 2014, 16:52

Hi all - wanted to check in and see what's happening in the RuneAudio project - there is not a lot of news, either here on the forums, twitter, etc. The .3 beta has been in the works for a long long time. Is this project still active??

I'm very excited about Rune Audio, can't wait to try it on my Cubox i4! I've donated to the project and would love to see it progress faster. What can we do in the community to help speed its development along?

I've been avidly using Volumio in the meantime, which is progressing quickly with fixes and releases, and a very active user community. While Volumio is great and available for many platforms, the UI leaves a lot to be desired - which is why I'm waiting patiently for Rune to release the next beta for all of the supported platforms!!!

Can the mods or the Rune founders give us all an update on the progress, and how the community can help?
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Re: RuneAudio progress?

Postby cmh714 » 20 Sep 2014, 17:00

ummm, I hate to be rude, but did you look at anything in the forums......

.3 alpha has been out for some time and its working for most of us.

.3 beta is due in a few days....

cant say anything on the cubox, but there are posts about that too if you look
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Re: RuneAudio progress?

Postby ACX » 20 Sep 2014, 17:50

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Re: RuneAudio progress?

Postby bdouble » 20 Sep 2014, 21:06

Thanks for the updates. I did read the forums and was aware that .3 alpha is out and working for many on the Pi platform, but I guess I should have been more specific about my question re: other platforms, Cubox/Udoo/Beaglebox... and that I was asking about progress towards .3 getting out of alpha.

Anyway, glad to hear that the .3 beta is coming out very soon on all platforms! Very excited to try it out!
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Joined: 19 May 2014, 15:37

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