Some earlier bugs seem to still exist on a fresh installation of Re1.2 (with all updates as of today applied):
- WLAN does not work for me. (My WLAN Router is not even shown, even though it sits in just 1 m distance and all other WiFi devices connect fine and SSID is not hidden). Setup of a static IP also fails. (I use a Raspberry Pi 3 B Rev. 1.2 with the standard Edimax WiFi dongle, onboard devices are switched of by removing the # in the config.txt in root folder immediately after writing the image (Re1.2) to the SD card. That approach worked well with the RuneAudio versions prior to Re edition.)
- Change of device name still shows no effect. Player remains to be browser accessible via runeaudio.local only but not via the changed player name as is shown in the System menu.
- Volume knob magically moves up or down by one notch from time to time without anything being touched. (I use hardware control of a HifiBerry DAC.)