by R101 » 29 Nov 2019, 22:49
Hi rern,
I just had another try of RuneAudio+R and, after adding the wpa_supplicant.conf file, I got it connected to my hidden SSID at last.
Putting a working wifi file in /usr/netctl did not work, and it is not possible to use a local touch screen to configure the network because there is no virtual keyboard. The AP does not automatically restart if Rune fails to connect.
I could not get anything to update until until I ranked the package servers. After expanding the partition, it still reports the original size. The local screen settings icon stopped functioning after it failed to save the setting, so I modified config.txt to get the local 7" display the right way up.
The only playback tools I have ticked are Top-Bottom Bars and Bars On Small Screen. Would it be possible to move the track-and-time text down the screen and give it larger type? (Enlarged top and bottom bars would also be a help for those with large fingers and poor eyesight.) I am happy to experiment with this if you can point me to the right area.
This version seems to be progressing well. Thanks for all your work.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)