Hello Everyone,
Back Again

Another Update, All the Stuff I tried worked for a short time, and then corrupted. Doh!
Fresh install and Rerns latest Update Actually got Rune showing up in drive mapping, But the pi3 would not accept the connection.
OK it's Testing me.
Then I had a Brain Fart, forget wifi, try the ethernet cable. connected the cable and rebooted the pi3, and The drive Mapped straight away.
Disconnected the ethernet cable and rebooted the pi3 Again to test with wifi, and the drive was still there.

Moral: KISS
RuneAudio+R e2 is now my goto player, I'll keep rune4 on a seperate card for emergencies.
Now for a couple of questions if you will indulge me.

I really like the VU meter when a radio station is playing, it's animated on my laptop screen, but not on the rpi 7" screen, is this normal?
And now that I'm getting to grips with WinSCP, if a person wanted to tweak the sort order in the library, what files would I be looking at?
Thanx to everyone for their help.