runeaudio+r e2 stopps playing

Raspberry Pi related support

runeaudio+r e2 stopps playing

Postby iruka » 12 May 2020, 13:50

Hello all,
I have been using the runeaudio+r e2-version for a couple of month, when it suddenly would not play anything.
Using a raspberry 1B. After clicking on the play button, it automaticaly return to "stop" after , say 2 seconds. After much fiddling with the GUI , trying to update the index, which failed. then I logged in with SSH and discover that the SD card, that is the root partition is full, zero bytes available.
Searching for files to erase I find the "mpd.log" in the /var/log directory. 55MB big log file! After that things got even worse, all music was gone, not even the webradio channel remained.
1. what files grow with time? What file must I clean up and how often? Every week? month?
2. how to find this files?
3. Why not place this files, especially log files on a separate partition so the system does not go haywire when they grow out of bounds.
4. how to check the status. I seems to me that every user do not log in with SSH and do df -h every day to check the status of the file system. I do not think this is very userfriendly.
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Joined: 12 May 2020, 07:18

Re: runeaudio+r e2 stopps playing

Postby Beelzebassie » 12 May 2020, 14:20

Did you, by chance, pause the player on a song for a few hours?
Raspberry Pi 3B (rev. 1.2) | Allo DigiOne
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Re: runeaudio+r e2 stopps playing

Postby iruka » 13 May 2020, 00:57

> pause for a couple of hours.
No, I do not think so. I usually use play or stop. What could have happened is that when playing webradio, we turn of the speaker but the runeaudio keeps playing.
but thinking of that, my wife could have pressed "pause" instead of "stop". I don`t know. Pause for a long time is bad?
Posts: 6
Joined: 12 May 2020, 07:18

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