runeaudio+r e2

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runeaudio+r e2

Postby tsawyer » 10 Feb 2020, 17:45

has anyone tried connecting from an android? when I connect from the app or the ip address I can see the main screen but pretty much all other functions are not an option. the only thing I can reach is a playlist but all the other menus (which I assume you would get if you hit the button int he upper left) are not accessible. things seem to work on a desktop but from my phone the only thing I can really do is volume
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Joined: 05 Jul 2017, 03:02

Re: runeaudio+r e2

Postby R101 » 10 Feb 2020, 21:30

I gave up with the app as icons were not being displayed. I now use the Chrome browser and its "Add To Home Screen" option instead.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Joined: 29 Apr 2016, 16:16

Re: runeaudio+r e2

Postby cmh714 » 10 Feb 2020, 21:38

Not sure your issue but it all works as expected for me....did you try blowing away the cache? or maybe try setting the IP in the app....

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Joined: 04 May 2014, 03:06

Re: runeaudio+r e2

Postby R101 » 10 Feb 2020, 21:50

In my case, I think it was just that the default Android browser used by the app is obsolete and has never been updated. It was a very cheap tablet!
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
Posts: 343
Joined: 29 Apr 2016, 16:16

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