Runeaudio+r e3 @Raspbery 2

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Runeaudio+r e3 @Raspbery 2

Postby iruka » 12 May 2020, 14:50

Hi again
after problem with e2 I was thinking, maybe e3 is better, at least it is newer! :)
I of course do not want to search for the IP number every time I want to listen to music, therefore I want a fixed IP number.
I click settings, (the cog wheel) then Network, and after that click on the network number, then I can check "static IP"and OK. after that I fill in the IP number, and the browser goes blank becouase the server has now a new IP number. I wait 10-15 minutes but I can connect on the new fixed IP number, neither on the old one.
After a while source a monitor and hook it up. The raspberry is running with the runeAudio screen is running. then I hook up a mouse to check the network setting. THis is almost not possible because I have no mouse pointer , strangely enough and the color scheme makes it almost impossible to recognize anything. Anyway somehow, after many many trial and errors i finally get to the network setting and there no IP number whatsovever is shown, only the MAC-address. so this rern e3 version, does it support fixed IP or not? the old beta 0.3 I used with fixed IP, and it did work, I tested that today.
Posts: 6
Joined: 12 May 2020, 07:18

Re: Runeaudio+r e3 @Raspbery 2

Postby wim-nl » 30 May 2020, 09:47

Fixed ip adres is given in your router, not in the pi. That is very easy to do.
Posts: 15
Joined: 17 Nov 2014, 18:46

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