by rern » 17 May 2020, 12:48
Update 20200517
CoverArts and Bookmarks
- Preserve aspect ratio everywhere except Browse by CoverArt
- Note: Existing bookmarks and webradios are square (replace if needed)
- Improve Tap to rotate image in replacing dialog box
- Very wide or very tall images are applicable
- Improve layout for time + coverart or coverart + volume
Toggle time-volume knob (top-left corner)
- Resize coverart and guide
- Switch buttons/icons to any display combinations
Overlay guide
- Always maintains the same size and aspect ratio as coverart
- Maintain icon size
- Note: Tap/drag applies commands and auto-hide guide
Progress/elapsed bar
- Only when time is hidden
- Tap/drag like time knob
Volume bar + up-down
- Only when volume is hidden and not disabled by MPD
- Always hidden
- Tab bar = show current value and bar then tap/drag
- Tab up-down = -/+ and show value and bar
- Auto-hide in 3 seconds
Playback display
- Improve inter-locking on/off/disabled for any combinations
- Fix AirPlay bugs
- Add Import Playlist addon
rAudio @
Raspberry Pi 4B
Raspberry Pi 3B+ > SMSL M8 DAC
Raspberry Pi 3B
Raspberry Pi Zero 2
Raspberry Pi Zero W