Hi Rern
As noted by R101, the changes in today's release (20200406) seem to have fixed my problems with web radios but, like R101, the station name is missing from the Playback screen. Thanks for sorting this out.
You asked: 'I am still not clear why you don't just get the streams direct from the BBC, if you are in the UK?'
Yes I am in thbe UK and upto last week all was working well with streaming BBC National and local radio stations via Minimserver. I have been doing it this way since RA 0.3/0.4 (around September 2016) and it was purely a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". The Minimserver impelementation had worked well for me for all those years and hence I had had no need to explore addtional URLs. Thank you for pointing out that other options now exist and I will explore these now that I seem to have a fully working RA+Re3 again. Out of interest the url you listed in your latest posting actually proposes Minimserver as a way to listen to these radio stations (Post on Page 5, by bobovox on Feb 16) which eventually ends up at:
https://minimstreamer.com/bbcradio.htmlwhich is essentially what I implemented in 2016.
If I may, can I make a few points about Minimserver? Here goes:
1. MinimServer provides a central repository of my music library which only needs loading once from my existing NAS based music library via NFS
2. It can be accessed by a variety of music player software and media servers on machines with differing OSes (VLC, Windows Media Player, Music Bee, Kinsky/Kazoo, BubbleUPnP Server, Smart TV apps etc)
3. Its seems, to me, to have superior tagging to MPD
4. Since it is a central resouce accessed by potentially many clients, the library structure, artwork, tagging etc only needs to be done and stored once but is then available to all clients which access this source.
5. It runs quite nicely on a RPi 2/3
6 .It can provide access to both album and radio artwork - VLC for instance can display the radio artwork from this souce which RA can't at the moment.
7. It is being actively supported with MinimServer 2 about to be released, I will be implementing this once the RPi version is available.
On the downside it does need some form of app to be able access / play the stored music and, I have asked for this before on this forum, it would be great if RuneAudio could be one of these apps. RA can already access MinimServer via uPnP but needs another, third party app to control it (like Kazoo or Kinsky). It would be great if RA could have an option to allow it to be used as a controller for MIninserver stored media in order to make use of the centrally stored library, artwork and tagging.
In the meantime I will continue to use and provide feedback on all Runeaudio versions as I have done in the past and put up with needing to configure each RA installation (office, living room and shed) seperately.
Thanks to all who continue to support and develop this appllcation.