RuneAudio+R e4 setup with Waveshare 5.5 1920x1080 HDMI Displ

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RuneAudio+R e4 setup with Waveshare 5.5 1920x1080 HDMI Displ

Postby pkdick » 25 Jul 2020, 12:46

Hello everyone,

I have just installed RuneAudio+R e4 on my USBBridge Signature/Katana DAC, but when I activate Chromium nothing is displayed on my HDMI 1920x1080 display from Waveshare (

I followed the Waveshare advice and I added the following in my config.txt:
hdmi_timings=1080 1 26 4 50 1920 1 8 2 6 0 0 0 60 0 135580000 3

But it does not help: when I check the status of Chromium using a ssh console, I can only see that it is not started. When I type "startx", I get the fatal error "no screens found(EE)". As I have no programming knowledge, I would be grateful if someone could help me to work out this issue (my screen works on Moode and Volumio, so I assume that it is linked to some missing configuration in RuneAudio).

Thank you in advance
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4 setup with Waveshare 5.5 1920x1080 HDMI D

Postby rern » 26 Jul 2020, 04:48

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4 setup with Waveshare 5.5 1920x1080 HDMI D

Postby pkdick » 26 Jul 2020, 08:19

Hello rern,

Thank you for your answer.

I just followed your advice (i.e. I removed all config.txt's data realted to my screen) and I rebooted my USBBridge, but I got no luck as my screen displayed then something un readable.

Then I added the following lines in my config.txt
# Waveshare Display init
hdmi_timings=1080 1 26 4 50 1920 1 8 2 6 0 0 0 60 0 135580000 3
#display_rotate=3 #1: 90; 2: 180; 3: 270

My screen displays now "Rune Audio" with a 90° rotation (which is a significant change!), but it seems that Chromium still does not start (when I activate it, it is offered to change the rotation of the screen, the timeout and the zoom, but the related icon then disappears...).

I will flash again runeaudio and start again.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4 setup with Waveshare 5.5 1920x1080 HDMI D

Postby pkdick » 18 Aug 2020, 06:48

Hello again,

As proposed by Rern, I flashed the last version of Runeaudio and I booted like that without modifying any file: my HDMI screen displayed then garbage, showing that it was not recognized by the software.

I tried to contact Waveshare to request support from them, but no answer until now: it seems that I cannot use this full HD screen with RuneAudio.

Best regards,
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