RuneAudio+R e4

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby klassikmann » 03 Aug 2020, 09:45

RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby R101 » 03 Aug 2020, 10:24


I still get a very slow boot when using wifi. Probably due to this systemd-analyze blame entry:

2min 262ms systemd-networkd-wait-online.service

Disabling and masking the service does not seem to cause any problems. It appears to wait for a wired connection.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Garrido33 » 03 Aug 2020, 22:19

Update 202008021

Issue with webradios: when you change the coverarts, they don't appear in playback mode. When you go back to the library, the radio coverarts have disappeared.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 04 Aug 2020, 09:02


After a bit more investigation I can confirm:

1. Changes to webradio artwork disappears as reported by others.
2. I CAN update Coverart in the Library and play albums/tracks from Coverart
3. I CAN play albums/tracks from NAS
4. I cannot locate anything from Album, Artist, AlbumArtist, Composer, Genre or Date although all of these have updated counts next to them
5. I can add/change Webradios and play them

If I update the Library I can see that a set of text files are created in /srv/http/data/mpd which contain all the necessary items for my music library:

root@RAAmp1+R e4:/srv/http/data/mpd # ls -lrt
total 204
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd mpd 263 Aug 3 10:10 mpdstate
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 3623 Aug 3 10:15 album
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 208 Aug 3 10:15 albumartist
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 869 Aug 3 10:15 artist
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 2888 Aug 3 10:15 composer
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 132 Aug 3 10:15 genre
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 454 Aug 3 10:15 date
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd mpd 172442 Aug 3 10:34 mpd.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 196 Aug 3 10:57 counts

So it seems that these, apart from the counts, are not being applied to the database

My setup is:

SystemRuneAudio e4 202008021 • RAAmp1
Hardware Raspberry Pi Zero W Rev 1.1
SoC BCM2835 • ARM1176 @ 1.0GHz •
Output Device MERUS Audio Amp
Kernel 5.4.51-1-ARCH
MPD 0.21.25-1  4,623  300  547
Network b8:27:eb:99:c8:0f
Sources / • 2.4GB/7.0GB
/mnt/MPD/NAS/NAS_Music • 703GB/3.6TB

I am still having issues with the MPD Mixer Control for the Merus Amp changing from DAC Hardware to MPD Software but I cannot figure out what is causing this to happen. It does come back after a reboot. I also have issues with the volume level, apparently changing of their own accord, frequently ending up at 100, which can be a bit of a shock when starting up the device. In earlier versions of RA there was an option to set a startup volume level which would ensure that on startup the volume level could be set low and then increased as necessary with the volume control. Could this be reinstated to help with this issue ?

Please don't take any of the above as any criticism of your work but purely to help resolve the issues we have at the moment with this great bit of software. As a (past) software developer myself I know how useful feedback can be, if there is any more info I can provide please let me know.

Keep up your great work

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby maxus minimax » 04 Aug 2020, 14:14

I´m playing with RuneAudio on a RPi2 since a few days. Have tried pre-built images, V0.3, and RuneAudio+R_e4, works both in general.

I want to send basic commands, play, stop, volume... via some kind of simple Http or TCP API to the RPi. With the V0.3 image, I can use e.g., but that doesn´t work with +R_e4. I understand these commands control MPD using MPC. Doesn´t +R_e4 use MPC also?

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby rern » 05 Aug 2020, 14:01

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby rern » 05 Aug 2020, 14:36

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby klassikmann » 05 Aug 2020, 15:59

RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby maxus minimax » 05 Aug 2020, 16:25

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 05 Aug 2020, 20:19


I have reflashed the SD card using the latest image (5/8/2020) from post #1 and applied the latest (20200805) updates, setup the system from scratch and updated the library, then rebooted just to be sure. This time the counts are all '1' except Coverarts (297) and Web Radios (15), Library is zero and NAS has no count. I can only play albums/tracks from Coverart this time - NAS and all the rest tell me to update the Library. As before there are a number of files in /srv/http/data/mpd which seem to relate to the Library update however this time the ownership on most is http:http (was mpd:audio on last build), see

root@RAamp1+R e4:~ # ls -lrt /srv/http/data/mpd
total 264
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 182 Aug 5 19:13 counts
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd audio 265 Aug 5 19:14 mpdstate
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 25244 Aug 5 19:17 album
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 1980 Aug 5 19:17 albumartist
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 11307 Aug 5 19:17 artist
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 28822 Aug 5 19:17 composer
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 358 Aug 5 19:17 genre
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http 1979 Aug 5 19:17 date
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpd mpd 172442 Aug 5 19:37 mpd.db

I can't check the merus amp status yet as I don't have anything to play.

Please let me know if I can provide a ny further infor mation.

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