RuneAudio+R e4

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 05 Aug 2020, 20:28


Further update:

I have just updated an existing web radio url (changed hostname to ip address) and then all Library item counts 'magically' appeared. Album/tracks will now play from NAS (in addition to Coverarts) but still not from any other Library item.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby rern » 05 Aug 2020, 21:02

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 05 Aug 2020, 21:58


Thanks for this code to try. The result is:

root@RAamp1+R e4:~ # /srv/http/bash/ mpcupdate
Updating DB (#5) ...
volume: 28% repeat: off random: off single: off consume: off
root@RAamp1+R e4:~ #

Time to complete - a few seconds

No apparent change to Library items, same access as previously.

Further info:

If I go to NAS | Nas_Music, select anartist then album then click on the album cover then select Tags I CAN access library items via any of the TAG items so it seems the database is being updated but none of the items are currently available via the main Library screen items.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 06 Aug 2020, 08:59


Saw that you had released a bug update (20200806) today so applied it to see if it fixed any of my problems. Update ran OK and asked me to rebuild the Library at the end. Before doing this I checked the existing Library and all items now seemed to work as expected. I am however doing a complete Library rebuild just in case. I will let you know later, once the Library update completes, if there are any other problems.


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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 06 Aug 2020, 12:20


Ok, update 20200806 initially seemed to help somewhat. However after completely rebuilding the Library database all items seemed OK except for Albums which only showed a count of one and only listed one (strange) album in its list. It also seemed to take quite a while to complete. Whilst trying to figure out what had happened I saw that you had released update 202008061. I applied this, and again completely rebuilt the Library (which this time seemed to happen very quickly), and now all seems well. I can access all elements of the Library as I would expect.

Throughout these updates the volume level seems to have stabilised and the Merus Amp Hardware Mixer setting seems to have stayed put too.

Thanks for these updates.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby cycl157 » 06 Aug 2020, 16:45

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ben569 » 07 Aug 2020, 14:32


I have been using regular runeaudio for a year or 2 but I'm new to runeaudio+R.

I've installed the latest image you provided in your first post.

I've got a raspberry 1 B+, usb wifi and usb bluetooth dongles. I'm trying to get this specific bluetooth dongle to work. It runs fine on my laptop and I had it running perfectly on another distro on the pi.

But the network tab just doesn't have a bluetooth tab the light on the dongle doesn't start, etc.

I've attached a journalctl -xe dump if that helps.

I've tried the DIY method from your github but the generated barebones arch doesn't seem bootable -- no image on the HDMI port.

Kind regards,
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby rern » 08 Aug 2020, 14:22

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby elex » 11 Aug 2020, 20:17

I'm having the issue previously reported where indexing seems to work, I get track, album, artist counts, but the links are all unclickable. I have tried clean installs from the image on the first page as recently as today. I have attempted to restore my previous backups as well, but they break with the newer dated releases. I would be interested in what to look at to troubleshoot this further. I've tried debug logging in mpd and scouring the various system logs to no avail. I've really appreciated all the hard work on this to this point, but no longer have a usable player if I keep up with the current releases. I'm really at a loss as it seems the recent releases have fixed this for others.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby hermano » 12 Aug 2020, 16:51

using RuneAudio+R e4 but date toggle not working. I get a list of years but when Click on a year it just hangs. Any ideas?
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