by Sonic » 08 Jul 2020, 10:36
Sorry, Rern, I didn’t report back earlier on your latest update. Bit busy of late.
After your most recent update (20200703) the ‘System’ page problem has been resolved on my setup. Two pulses of the busy screen, and up it pops. Hopefully on everyone else's too.
The shortcut update unfortunately doesn’t actually resolve my issue. Whilst it is now possible to scroll normally through the listed entries. On entering and exiting a submenu, the position of the entry initially selected on the page previous is lost. Subsequently, attempting to use keyboard shortcut scrolling after exiting a submenu results in the scrolling jumping to and starting from the very beginning of the list. This also manifests itself when using the Index bar. Jumping to an Index point and then starting a keyboard scroll down to an entry which isn’t visible on the current page simply sends the scrolling start position back to the beginning of the list.
The only thing I can add about the missing scroll bars in the Rpi browser is it seemingly only affects the Library – they are visible in the menu pages. And also, in Firefox on my desktop when you enter the library, the page slightly resizes smaller from the right to accommodate the scroll bars, which doesn’t happen in the Rpi browser. It might be the bars are there, just not visible on screen in the Rpi browser.
Best… Sonic
RPi3B+ > Allo DigiOne Signature > Audiolab M-DAC
RPi3B+ > HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro > Cambridge Audio DACMagic+