RuneAudio+R e4

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Jules382 » 08 Jul 2020, 08:03

Thanks really great. Thanks Rern
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Reliang268 » 08 Jul 2020, 08:57

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby R101 » 08 Jul 2020, 09:39

Hi rern,

A feature request.

Is it possible for a user to change the default cover art for Webradio when there is no metadata?

The vu meter is a superb piece of work, but I would prefer a custom image of the station logo.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby ceejayemm » 08 Jul 2020, 09:57


In the Library - Web Radios, right click the icon to the left of the radio name and click Change Coverart. Add the icon/image you want and save. Next time you choose that radio station the icon/image you chose will be displayed on the playback page.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Sonic » 08 Jul 2020, 10:36

Sorry, Rern, I didn’t report back earlier on your latest update. Bit busy of late.

After your most recent update (20200703) the ‘System’ page problem has been resolved on my setup. Two pulses of the busy screen, and up it pops. Hopefully on everyone else's too.

The shortcut update unfortunately doesn’t actually resolve my issue. Whilst it is now possible to scroll normally through the listed entries. On entering and exiting a submenu, the position of the entry initially selected on the page previous is lost. Subsequently, attempting to use keyboard shortcut scrolling after exiting a submenu results in the scrolling jumping to and starting from the very beginning of the list. This also manifests itself when using the Index bar. Jumping to an Index point and then starting a keyboard scroll down to an entry which isn’t visible on the current page simply sends the scrolling start position back to the beginning of the list.

The only thing I can add about the missing scroll bars in the Rpi browser is it seemingly only affects the Library – they are visible in the menu pages. And also, in Firefox on my desktop when you enter the library, the page slightly resizes smaller from the right to accommodate the scroll bars, which doesn’t happen in the Rpi browser. It might be the bars are there, just not visible on screen in the Rpi browser.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby R101 » 08 Jul 2020, 10:45

(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby PiPPiP » 11 Jul 2020, 08:19

Hello again Rern,

am following up on screen saver function you pointed me to in an earlier post 19 June (+e3) regarding my rpi touch screen viz:

Settings > System > Browser on RPi > Settings - Screen off

Have set that to 5 mins, but it doesn't seem to have any effect - the rpi display remains on 24/7.

Any ideas on what i might be doing wrong?



Follow up - looks like physical reboot has fixed
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby RobP » 12 Jul 2020, 22:46

Installed and tried this out today. Rpi4, wired connection to network (via wireless access point), bit-perfect output via HDMI to AV amp. Clearly a work in progress but seems to work well and I like it a lot, thanks very much for the time you put into this.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby valemax » 12 Jul 2020, 23:28

Maybe these questions have already been asked but I had no luck searching the forum for the answers...

I have a decent FLAC library, plus an Mp3 library. The FLAC albums are some with separate files per song while some other album is a unique large FLAC file with the cue sheet.

Now, the problems I'm having:

1 - Some cue sheet is processed correctly and the songs are shown separatedly, some other is not processed and just the .cue and .flac files are shown. I swear I compared a "good" one and a "bad" one and I could not find out what's making the difference. Is there some debug log I can activate/check to see what goes wrong?

2 - When I search an artist or album, only the data related to mp3 files is shown, the flac stuff is completely ignored. The directory containing the flac library is processed correctly because some mp3 that ended in the flac dir is shown between the search results. Is it expected that the flac files are not "searcheable"?
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby rern » 13 Jul 2020, 15:54


MPD, the backbone of RuneAudio, processes *.cue files as playlists. They're not parsed by MPD into database so they can't be browsed or searched. MPD can load them into the current playlist, nothing else. From there, RuneAudio+R makes a lot of tricks to show them in file mode, NAS/SD/USB and CoverArt, like individual track files. Even more, they can be saved in playlist files virtually the same as individual track as well. Re-arrange order in playlists is possible too.

*.cue files must be named the same as their corresponding pairs to make them show correctly.

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