RuneAudio+R e4

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby dror » 14 Jul 2020, 10:32


update 20200703
Airplay not working
toggle button switching gives "enabling" message, then goes on (no "Done" is displayed), but if I come back to the settings page it is
Setup is Rpi 2 over WIfi only

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby RolandBlaze » 14 Jul 2020, 19:35

Hi Rern. Thanks for the fantastic work, loving this latest version, clean, fast and simple :D . Have noticed when streaming from Spotify it displays as being streamed at 48KHz, but Spotify is 44Khz? Can you amend this if poss? I'm aware there may be a few tracks that play at 48Khz on Spotify but very few compared to the amount of 44KHz tracks, and I believe it would be better to set at 44Khz if there is no way to detect what is being provided and automate the change in Rune? Thanks as always.
RuneAudio+R e6 20201108 
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby amink67 » 14 Jul 2020, 22:49

Installed Re4 without an issue on RPI4B/4GB+HifiBerry DAC+ Pro.

- Spotify connect (Working fine)
- SMB (Stutter)
- InternetRadio (Working fine)
- USB (USB3 device on USB3 port)

Temperature: 67 °C, using only heatsinks on CPU (Any suggestions on a good passive cooling solution?)

- I updated the config to use the remote controle on Android, but the device is not detected. (Anyone ?)

Very impressive work, tx

Tests other solutions
- HifiberryOS (Not my cup of T)
- Volumio (HifiBerry = No sound, still looking for a solution)
Keep it nice :)

RPI4B (2x) with various solutions: OpenVPN, PiHole, Guacamole (Docjer based)
RPI4B+HifiBerry DAC+ Pro
Chromecast/Chromcast audio
Synology NAS (2x)
Android devices (3x)
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Reliang268 » 17 Jul 2020, 05:42

Hi Rern,
Update 20200716
The Regulatory domain setting at Wifi is gone. How to get is back? Am I able to downgrade it to previous version?

I suggest as this is a headless player and so wifi should be always “ON” and should be anytime when the wifi ip loss connection will automatically connect to AP mode (unless ethernet is connected). At AP mode if able to scan and connect to wifi ip address for reconnection again.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Reliang268 » 17 Jul 2020, 06:02

Passive heatsink case
F0E240F9-9764-44FE-BED3-A8ABDAA14F39.jpeg (68.73 KiB) Viewed 1820 times
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby klassikmann » 17 Jul 2020, 10:09

RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby R101 » 17 Jul 2020, 16:05

Is there any advantage in allowing the automatic partition expansion at first boot? The instructions state that it should be disabled.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby klassikmann » 17 Jul 2020, 16:50

RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby Scott » 17 Jul 2020, 20:48

Hi Rune,

This is a usage question. How do I return from spotify to the normal Library shy of having to do a reset. Library functions work fine and Spotify connects just fine, but cannot figure out how to get back to normal operation once Spotify is triggered
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Re: RuneAudio+R e4

Postby belgarath0815 » 17 Jul 2020, 22:23

Installed e4 today, two things i discovered:

a) on my first attempt i immediately installed the newest update after booting the e4 image for the first time. This seems to break mounting network shares... i wasn't able to mount any shares using the rune webinterface, it said "mounting..." but nothing happend. (mounting manually worked) On my second attempt i flashed the image again, mounted my nas, did some basic setup and installed the update afterwards.... now everything seems fine. I didn't try mounting anything after installing to update yet.

b)spotifyd: when switching to spotifyd the rune main page (index.php) gets "stuck". I see the runeaudio logo (its not flashing like when its loading or rebooting) but nothing happens. When playing around with spotify, like disconnecting or stopping music, sometings the page is loading again. Manually going to settings or addons page is working. I don't know exactly what its trying to do here, but i'm guessing its trying to get some infos from spotify to display and gets stuck? If i manually install and configure spotifyd i don't have this issue.

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