Made a discovery concerning the sometime problem of not being able to access the system page, and possibly the recently reported webradio issue.
Following a recent update (20200717), I discovered I could no longer access the system page again. After trying a full MPD database rebuild and reboot, I still couldn’t open the system page.
So I then remotely accessed the ‘/srv/http/data/webradios’ directory and deleted all the containing files, and then checked that library Webradio icon showed no containing files.
Having not previously empted ‘/mnt/MPD/Webradio’ directory after importing my webradio files for the first time. I simply reimported the files using the import webradio addon, went back to the menu – and lo and behold, up pops the system page.
To make sure this wasn’t a fluke, I tried updating again with the next update (20200718). Same situation – update, no access to the system page, delete all files in the ‘/srv/http/data/webradios’ directory, import the files again via the webradio addon… bingo – up pops the system page.
I don’t know whether deleting and reimporting the webradio files after an update will resolve the reported issues some are having with webradio files. But mine are working.
Hope this helps
Best... Sonic