RuneAudio+R e5

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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby AndyF » 30 Aug 2020, 08:59

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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby elex » 01 Sep 2020, 19:48

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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby jaygothard » 01 Sep 2020, 21:25

The current version is looking great, but I have discovered one issue.

No cover art in the player screen.

I have cover.jpg or folder.jpg in every album folder, but I'm just getting the default "runeaudio" cover for every album.

If I go to my library and then cover art, there are covers there, but even when playing from that screen I'm still not seeing cover art on the player screen.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby ceejayemm » 02 Sep 2020, 14:04


I am seeing the same problem as jaygothard and elex having applied the 20200830 update to my Pi Zero. Following the update I updated the library and can now not add anything to my Playlist including web radios. For music selections whatever I try to add I get the message 'No Data in This Location. Update for changes then try again'. If I try to add a web radio to the playlist it appears to go through the motions but the station is NOT added to the Playlist.


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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby ceejayemm » 02 Sep 2020, 14:29


OK, what has changed ? I have just done another reboot of the PI and all seems back to normal ! Everything that was broken now seems to work.

Magic fingers at work somewhere behind the scenes ? Whatever, thanks.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby jsouza » 02 Sep 2020, 15:35

I had no luck with e4 (image would not boot after I chose to update from the UI), so I decided to try again yesterday with the latest e5 (20200830). Got a bit further this time, but attempting to build the library never finished even after letting it run overnight. I have thousands of CD's ripped onto my NAS and tens of thousands of songs. I'm guessing that the failure was likely due to the large size of my library.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby cmh714 » 02 Sep 2020, 15:49

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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby ceejayemm » 02 Sep 2020, 19:42

@jaygothard / @elex

As we all seem to be suffering from similar problems can you tell me how you have your RA Sources set up ? I have been using NFS shares for a long time and currently use a hostname (rather than an IP address) to reference my NFS server. As you will see from my other posts I have had a long running problem with the PI I use to run RA not always resolving hostnames from my DNS Server (a very simple DNSMasq installation). My PI is also a PI Zero W (wireless) which accesses my Google wifi network apparently without any other problems. It might help Rern sort out this issue if we can find some common ground for this issue, so here goes:

Can you let us know the following:

RPI model: (mine is a PI Zero W)
Network type: (mine is wireless via a Google Wifi network)
Source Type: (mine is NFS)
IP Number or Host Name for the share source : (mine is my NFS Server Hostname)
Any Options you might use: (I don't use any options here)

I am going to change my setting to use the IP Number of my NFS server rather than its hostname to see if this makes any difference.


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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby AndyF » 03 Sep 2020, 04:44

Hi Chris,

I'm using NFS, too. No problems here - I have set "rw" as an option to allow write access.

regards, Andy
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Re: RuneAudio+R e5

Postby ceejayemm » 03 Sep 2020, 08:40


I use NFS as a matter of course when possible to connect to my NAS (OMV v5.x) where my music is stored. I have been doing this ever since I started using RA 0.2/0.3 four or five years ago and I DON'T think NFS itself is the issue. I don't specify the NFS mount options specifically but RA shows the mounted share with the following options anyway (some of which seems overkill to me):


The problem seems to be that, when the Library gives the message 'No Data in This Location. Update for changes then try again', the actual mount point is missing, when I do df -h, I only have the local mount point available to me. A reboot invariably solves the problem. I have been using the hostname of my NAS server, rather than its IP Number, and I think that Arch-Linux is sometimes having problems resolving the hostname via my local DNS server which I have posted about elsewhere in this forum. I was always told by networking experts where I used to work that hostnames should be used wherever possible to give the best flexibility to the network and have been using that adage (hostnames, fully qualified domain names etc) all my working life in computers and now continue with it at home. Last night I reluctantly reverted to an IP Number for this particular RA installation and I am now waiting to see what happens with this setup when a reboot is necessary.

I am having similar NFS mount problems with other newer installations of Linux (Debian, Ubuntu and Rasbian) elsewhere and have resorted in these cases to use autofs which seems to mount the NFS shares more reliably and automatically includes a timeout when the NFS share is not in use.

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