RuneAudio+R e6

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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby Alien8 » 14 Nov 2020, 22:19


Thanks for your reply.
I really don't understand why this happens, but it does. I get like one shot at changing these settings..

I took the compressed image from page1 of this thread.
I'm trying to run the scripts from cli to see where something is wrong.

I had this issue on 2 different installs on both pi2 and pi3.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 14 Nov 2020, 22:26


I'm using a PecanPi that came with Volumio, but gave much connection problems.

Meanwhile I've got wifi working, which took a while.

But I have a problem with my playlists. I put my playlists (in m3u format) in /var/lib/mpd/playlists and at some point they were converted (I don't remember what I did, or why this happened). There were some errors as my usb drives were not yet connected.

But now I cannot see any playlists any more. I also don't know where the new playlists are stored. Or how I do the conversion process again (and why it's necessary).

Any help much appreciated.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 15 Nov 2020, 11:59

Playlist problem.

See my previous messages. My previous m3u playlists were converted to a new format (I don't now any more how I did that or if it happened automatically), but there were some errors, and I can see no playlists now.

But what's worse: if I try to save my queue as a playlist, I get the message, playlist cannot be saved. So, what's going on?
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 15 Nov 2020, 16:20

Playlist problem update.

When in doubt reboot, so I did.

I can now save (new) playlists from within the webui. But not from within Cantata (mpd Client that I much prefer).

Also, my old playlists are nowhere visible, not in the webui, not in Cantata. They are in /var/lib/mpd/playlists in m3u format, but RuneAudio+R e6 does not recognise them. As said earlier, it tried to convert them at some point, but to no avail.

So, how do I get my old playlists back? And how do I get playlists working from Cantata?
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 15 Nov 2020, 23:09

Playlist problem continued.

So, does anybody have any idea where the WebUi stores playlists?

It is not in /var/lib/mpd/playlists because I cannot see them there. I can only see my old playlists there, which are not loaded. Not in the WebUi. In my mpd client (Cantata) no playlists are loaded, not the onces in /var/lib/mpd/playlists, nor the onces I can see in the WebUi.

I've looked in /etc/mpd.conf but I see nothing about playlists.

I'm at a loss.

Any help still greatly appreciated.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 16 Nov 2020, 09:26

playlist problem update

What I have discovered so far.

Playlists are now stored in /srv/http/data/playlists and no longer in /var/lib/mpd/playlists.
Playlists are now in php and no longer in m3u format.

Question: how can I convert my old m3u playlists from m3u to php format?

(And as a side question, why did this happen? m3u seems a lot simpler and more universal. I suppose it is a mpd change?)

As always, any help is still much appreciated.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 16 Nov 2020, 11:07

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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby rern » 16 Nov 2020, 11:17


R+R e6 playlists:
- Save CUE sheets as individual tracks, a single track can be saved.
- Save WebRadio station names.

Import m3u: Addons > Import Playlists

Please share why you prefer Cantata.

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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby kailua » 16 Nov 2020, 12:42

@mattra and @rern

I've also had problems with the new playlist format. I do not use cue sheets and saving streams in m3u works as well for me. So, I changed the config back to the "traditional" mpd way.

As for cantata: I also prefer to use that client on my laptop and desktop. On my mobile phone I use mpdroid. I find the web interface much too clunky to edit, load and save playlists. Especially adding multiple selected tracks from the queue (CTRL + mouse click) to an existing playlist. Still, great work! It is perfect for the 7 inch touchscreen where runeaudio is running.

Cheers and keep up the good work!
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby mattra » 17 Nov 2020, 10:06

@kailu$a and@rern

I agree with kailua.

In cantata I can simply drag and drop new albums from the library, and individual songs in the playlist, rearrange the playlist also by dragging and dropping. I don't see how I can do that in the WebUi. As kailua says: Especially adding multiple selected tracks from the queue (CTRL + mouse click) to an existing playlist.

I have playlists with over 3000 songs in Cantata. As I have no smartphone I only access mpd from my laptop, and Cantata gives me more functionality and information for playlists than the webui.

Also I don't see the advantage with working with cue files instead of m3u playlists, which are standard and easy to edit. (I'm not very knowledgeable about all this, so forgive me if I say something stupid).
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