RuneAudio+R e6

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby cmh714 » 08 Jan 2021, 17:53

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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby GriffinUcos » 08 Jan 2021, 18:54

Posts: 13
Joined: 09 Dec 2020, 16:00

Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby cesarus » 09 Jan 2021, 23:19

Hi, excellent work. Best web UI and sound. I have one question is it possible to have Vu meter on web UI not just at radio stations. Thanks!
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby LeighP » 12 Jan 2021, 14:16

After a few issues trying to get previous releases of 'RuneAudio+R' working, I decided to work on getting it working.

System is Pi 3+, HifiBerry DAC+, all housed in a metal X820 Case with HDD Adaptor and 1Tb Western SSD.

Working great and next upgrade could be doing optical into a new Hifi system once I decide on what I want.

Many thanks to the developers.

Leigh....Project supporter. - the new place for rAudio.
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby chasolla » 15 Jan 2021, 16:32

rpi 3b+
generic iqaudio raspidac+

did the latest update today.
Loving the VU meter - just one. Two would be even better.
I can't work out how to switch between cover art and meter, sometimes it's one, sometimes the other.

Keep up the good work.
Very stable atm and getting betterevery day.


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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby LeVolatile » 16 Jan 2021, 03:43

Hi rem,

Thanks a lot for all those greath works on Rune. I have used your preceding version for a couple of months now and was VERY satisfied about the results. I greatly appreciated all the new features. So satisfied that I gave up my so loved moOde Audio Player that I used many years. It always worked fine with wired connection. We all agree that it's the best and most reliable way to connect to a network. Recently, I moved to a new apartment and I have no any other choice then Wi-fi connection. Now its getting messy ! After reflashing the SD card 2 times without success, the 3rd time, it finally worked but not for long. As soon as it started to create his music database, it crashed again! As the first 2 times, not only it crashed, but it braked down. I spent almost an entire day trying to solve the issue. You say that wired connection works better but personally, I would say "Wi-Fi connection is unusable" at least for me. I have a RPi 4b (4Gig RAM version) with a 5 Amps analog tightly regulated power supply. For now, I returned to moOde but Rune is missing me.

Am I the only one that is unable to use Wi-Fi on this version? Is there something that I did incorrectly? Are you working on a solution? If you can, your help would be much appreciated.

Best Regards
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby GriffinUcos » 16 Jan 2021, 14:39

Hi LeVolatile.

I have a Pi B+ on the 5v output from a bluetooth tower. Toshiba usb 64Gb memory stick, usb wifi and usb bluetooth. No usb hub!
I'm running version 20210115 and have zero problems with wifi.

Have you tried a new SD card?

One obscure thing I did find was that my wifi router does not like the Raspi next to it. This caused other wifi connections to drop, (Fire TV etc).

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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby guermantes » 16 Jan 2021, 16:23

Hi @rern,
Is it possible to tweak the app so as to include support for webradio streaming in AAC-format?
RPi 3B with HiFiBerry Digi+ -> Cambridge DACmagic
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby R101 » 16 Jan 2021, 17:02

(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Re: RuneAudio+R e6

Postby guermantes » 16 Jan 2021, 18:36

RPi 3B with HiFiBerry Digi+ -> Cambridge DACmagic
Posts: 9
Joined: 22 Mar 2018, 23:55

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