RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Lurk » 28 May 2016, 12:59

Hi Guys

I have a problem with the footer - Library Playback Queue -

It now seems to be not fixed to the bottom of the screen and I have to scroll to access it - I'm sure this wasn't the behaviour before.

It works fine in my browser, the footer is fixed to the bottom of the window, it is just the android app (8' screen set to horizontal aspect)

PS Thanks for RuneAudio, I very much appreciate the work and am enjoying it immensely

edit - just realised it applies to the header as well - I sometimes need to do a lot of scrolling to get either the header or the footer - they should both be on the screen full-time like the browser version

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Nostromo » 28 May 2016, 23:57

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby rocklander » 07 Jun 2016, 11:05

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Craig » 07 Jun 2016, 23:41

I just received an update to the app on my phone and it fixed the problem with all the scrolling.

App version is now 1.1.4

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby dhans » 25 Jul 2016, 09:06


I started with RPi3 couple of weeks back and tried RuneAudio (after struggling with others or not liking few), and immediately loved RuneAudio. Excellent UI and app too. I have couple of queries - does the app handle IP change for Rune and can it handle multiple Rune on network?

I connect app with pi (ethernet connection) running Rune - all works fine. I switch on Wifi and take out Ethernet, new IP address appears for the pi. When i open the android app again, it shows blank screen and a wierd android logo on left hand top corner. Nothing else is visible, no settings, nothing.
I found a workaround - I cleared the cache and data of app and I opened it again. Then it is able to recognize the Pi with Wifi's address on it over network. Same issue if I switch back to ethernet (or for IP address changes). I have static IP now for my Pi, hence not sure if this issue is because of ethernet to wifi switch or IPaddress change in general.

Thanks for the great work. I wish to contribute in some way soon.
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby hondagx35 » 25 Jul 2016, 16:14

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby dhans » 25 Jul 2016, 18:41

Thanks Frank for the link, let me try that.

Meanwhile, please allow me share couple of observations about android app:
1. Phone back button exits the app. I personally would love the app back button and phone back button do same things, Go to previous page. Two back clicks from home can exit the app. On related note - may be same with back button of laptop when using web interface (Some people just use more keyboard than mouse). I guess this is by design.
2. Say I go from USB to big list of Albums, scroll to K and enter an album and do something. Then, the back button takes me right at top to A and I have to scroll again all way through to search next album. Web http interface stays on K for this.
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Tominthevan » 02 Aug 2016, 19:33

Thanks for the very handy RuneAudio remote control for Android. It has been working great for me. One feature I found only recently was an persistent entry in the Android Notification area dropdown that I could use to control the player without having to bring the Rune controller onto the screen. Recently, I touched a little arrow in the bottom right of the Rune notification area entry and now I no longer have that entry in the Notification dropdown and I can't get it back. I can't figure out if I have an Android issue or a Rune Controller issue. Can anyone help?
rune audio 0.4, Raspberry Pi 2, HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, Lepai LP-2020+
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Bigoutreach » 12 Aug 2016, 12:43

Is it provide dollby surround sound?
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Aug 2016, 17:11

Hi Bigoutreach,

why not Dolby Atmos?

What has this question to do with an Remote Control App?

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