RuneAudio running on multiple Pi's

Raspberry Pi related support

RuneAudio running on multiple Pi's

Postby adamswright » 24 Jan 2014, 13:55

First of all, well done on creating such a easy to use and graphically beautiful piece of software.

I am wondering what happens if I wanted to run two raspberry pis at the same time. Previously I used two instances of Squeezeplug where you could chose which Pi to play the music on (or both at the same time). It worked quite well, but I was not pleased by the mobile interface.

So my question is, is there a way to play one piece of music in sync on two Pis?

Adam :)
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Re: RuneAudio running on multiple Pi's

Postby Melomane » 30 Jan 2014, 20:36


perhaps mpdsync can be a solution for you. Have a look on this post (in german): ... 56#p970956
But be aware: You will get not an exactly synchronized playing.

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Joined: 30 Jan 2014, 19:37

Re: RuneAudio running on multiple Pi's

Postby ACX » 06 Feb 2014, 01:35

Hi everyone, we are actually looking for a more elegant solution, and with seamless integration in the RuneUI.
In these days we are busy with the interface rework, so in the meanwhile if somebody has some advices or thinks that can contribute to the cause... welcome aboard :)
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