RuneAudio Stops Responding After A Few Weeks

Raspberry Pi related support

RuneAudio Stops Responding After A Few Weeks

Postby runeuser15 » 07 Apr 2015, 02:20

Hello -

I have an odd problem.

I'm running RuneAudio (the latest release) on a Raspberry Pi with a HiFi Berry DAC. There is only one "source" - a NAS volume (hard drive connected to an Apple Airport). Everything works great for a few weeks and then, after about that period of time (don't know exactly), RuneAudio stops responding. I can't load the web interface, I can't ping or SSH. I've tried rebooting the Pi and that doesn't seem to work. The only way I can fix this - with my limited knowledge - is to start over and re-flash my SD card and setup RuneAudio again which is very frustrating.

I don't use RuneAudio every day and the last time this happened (tonight) was the first time I tried to use the system in about a week so I can't pinpoint when exactly it stops working.

Below is my debug information. Not all of this would fit in a single post so I've added the remaining line of the debug into the first response below.

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Re: RuneAudio Stops Responding After A Few Weeks

Postby ACX » 07 Apr 2015, 14:25

Seems like something is corrupting the system after some time, which should not happen under normal conditions.
Is your SD in good health? Are you using a stable and good PSU?
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Re: RuneAudio Stops Responding After A Few Weeks

Postby runeuser15 » 07 Apr 2015, 17:27

I'm pretty sure the SD card is fine - it seems to work fine. The power supply also appears to be fine. The Pi isn't restarting or loosing power/etc.
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