Hi foxint,
I really hope the following suggestion isn't so simple that it causes offence - the RuneAudio forum is normally a friendly and helpful place, and I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your difficulties with some other members. We all have different levels of knowledge and experience, and the only thing forum members want is either a bit of guidance, or to help a fellow RuneAudio user - no-one's an idiot, and there's no such thing as a stupid question!
If I understand the postings so far, the fundamental issue seems to be that the Pi doesn't stay on the correct IP address. If so, it would be good to know
exactly how you've assigned a fixed IP address to the PI. Are you trying to do this
only on the Pi (Menu > Network > IP assignment > Static > your preferred IP address numbers), or have you configured a list of static IPs
on your router? Given that something else seems to be stealing the IP address you want to use for the Pi, I wonder if your network setup is inadvertently allowing different devices to compete for the same IP addresses.
IMHO the only safe and reliable way to use fixed IP addresses is to configure a list of them on the router, and nowhere else - normally the router would be set up as your network's DHCP server anyway, so it's already responsible for allocating IP addresses (fixed or not) to all your client devices. Once you've set up a list of fixed IPs (including the one for your Pi) on your router you should configure all your network client devices (including the Pi) to use DHCP instead of Static IP - the router's then in complete control of the numbers throughout the network, and the Pi just uses the number that the router's assigned to it.
While you're in the router's static IP config section it wouldn't do any harm to assign separate static IPs for each of the PI's wired and wireless network interfaces.
I hope this helps,
Peace and friendship,