Runeaudio with touchscreen?!

Raspberry Pi related support

Runeaudio with touchscreen?!

Postby LordNelson » 13 Jul 2015, 20:36

Hi together,
i want to set my raspberry pi type 2 into an WiFi radio and Bluetooth speaker. I want to build a box with speakers including the raspberry as a media station. So I want also integrated a touchscreen to view what is playing and control the music directly on the radio. Is there a chance to get this?
I like to play music with Google music all inclusive. Is this an option for the next version? And when I can expect this?
If this works I will donate asap!
Posts: 1
Joined: 13 Jul 2015, 20:16

Re: Runeaudio with touchscreen?!

Postby BorGreiner » 23 Sep 2015, 05:54

Google Music is not yet implemented. There are workarrounds, but none of them as elegant and simple as Rune audio itself is.
But I suggest you donate anyway, as Rune is a beautiful enthusiast project not a mega company spin off and all inentives are highly apreciated. Plus that will be a big pat on your karma's back! I am sure. :)

As far as I know guys have the integration of various streaming services planned along the road. For now sadly only Spotify (which alas is not available in my country) us experimentaly integrated, there has been talk about Tidal and others (like Google music all access), but there is no date on that yet.
Posts: 36
Joined: 30 Oct 2014, 06:37

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