Thanks for your recent update. I have applied this to my 2 RPi's this afternoon (post your bug report of 12:58). I can report the following:
RuneAudio: Ver. 0.4b build 20170229
Arch Kernel: Linux runeaudio 4.4.39 ARCH+
Raspberry PI: RaspberryPi2 (08)
Network: Ethernet connected
Addons: Login Logo for Terminal
RuneUI Enhancements
Worked fine as far as I can tell, all the functionality I normally use is working Ok for me via a remote Chrome session to the PI.
RuneAudio: Ver. 0.4b build 20170229 (I think but can't verify)
Arch Kernel: Linux runeaudio 4.1.20-1 ARCH
Raspberry PI: RaspberryPi2 (08)
Network: Ethernet connected
DAC: None, output via RPi 3.5mm audio socket
Addons: Boot Logo
Chromium Browser
Login Logo for Terminal
MPD Upgrade
RuneUI Enhancements
Seemed to update OK but no access from either local TFT screen or remote Chrome session. TFT screen just black after boot logo, Chrome showed main screen but no cog wheel to access settings etc. I wasn't entirely sure of the Rune build used for this PI so decided to start again. I reflashed Ver. 0.4b build 20170229 to the SD card and rebooted, reconfigured etc. All well (I thought). I then installed the latest RuneUI Enhancements and again all seem well, all menus available, artwork for albums etc and new UI seemed OK.
I then tried to actually listen to some music. No audio output. PI2 uses a plugin speaker via the 3.5mm audio socket. There is no way to get this working. I have also found the the ALSA Mixer which could be used to check out the audio settings seems to be toast too. I can open the ALSA Mixer web page (<my IP>:8080) but only get the banner heading, no details at all. Running alsamixer from an SSH session gives me 'cannot open mixer: No such file or directory' for which I haven't yet found a suitable solution. There does seem to be some posts on the forum that suggest RuneUI and the ALSA Mixer have some problems but I don't know if these apply to me.
The upshot at the moment is that I have no sound from PI2 at all but ti is otherwise working ok