by rpt007 » 05 Feb 2017, 17:28
First thank you for your time to get this solved.
What are the findings and problems so far:
1. I edited .xinitrc and rebooted with a mouse connected
2. mouse pointer showed up and I could move it around
3. the mouse hover showed the dark box behind the menu icon
4. I could click the icon and the submenu items showed up like on my desktop browser
5. Rightclick on an empty arey and moving down to "Inspecting Elements" showed the (html?) code
6. It was very hard to read as the characters are pretty small and colored - but: there is NO such line with a "dropdown" class - I checked the whole code at least three or four times
7. Unfortunately I am not skilled enough (yet) to export the whole text so I could have added it here
8. I have no idea how to get back into RuneAudio by the help of the mouse connected to the 7" screen, so I had to reboot via webbrowser (remotely).
Any ideas already what is wrong here? Is the missing codeline something which should have shown up?
When I am opening the source code in my webbrowser (laptop remote access to runeaudio) then I find the code lines with the dropdown class. Trying to open the websource code via the waveshare display -> no chance; when opening other items like "View DOM Source" or "View Source" the screen gets dark for about 5sec and returns with the login screen to runeaudio like it is shown for a few seconds while booting into the graphic screen. After that the display hangs at this point, while music ist still playing and the remote access via LAN/WLAN and a webrowser still works.