RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby The Setlaz » 28 Mar 2016, 11:11

Hi Frank,

stream.flac that is shown is no file. It is a flac stream via DLNA from my laptop to RuneAudio. (sorry for not making that clear in my previous post)
To do so, I use "pulseaudio-dlna -c flac" (see on my Ubuntu laptop to stream audio to any network UPnP renderer (in this case RuneAudio).
Using a Android device with any UPnP app (i.e:BubbleUPnP) allowing streaming audio from the phone to RuneAudio should create very similar scenario.

I tried streaming in other format (MP3, WAV) but same issue.

As Pete mentionned, CPU usage only happens when browser tab is being displayed (it doesn't have to be in-focus though... in my screenshots, the Terminal is in focus)

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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby ACX » 09 Apr 2016, 01:29

Thank you all for reporting this, from your description it seems a client side bug. It's probably some JS code which goes nuts under that specific condition, I'll investigate it to avoid the same behavior in the next release.
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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby ACX » 15 Apr 2016, 17:08

I'm unable to reproduce the issue in my environment (Firefox/Chrome in Windows 10). I tried with both DLNA streams (via BubbleUPnP) and webradios, but no CPU load rise. Any hint on how to replicate the bug?
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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby The Setlaz » 15 Apr 2016, 20:41

It should just happen. I attached 3 other screenshots streaming from my Laptop through DLNA and playing Webradio.
The 3rd one is the same Webradio but the circle drawing didn't start (bug?) and when it doesn't start there is no CPU load.

Is the circle being drawn in your test?
Webradio and no blue circle
Webradio_no_circle.png (177.09 KiB) Viewed 1638 times
Webradio.png (172.58 KiB) Viewed 1638 times
From Laptop to RuneAudio
Stream.png (186.79 KiB) Viewed 1638 times
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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby PeteB » 15 Apr 2016, 20:46

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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby ACX » 15 Apr 2016, 23:51

Ok, I managed to reproduce it, and the problem is indeed in the knob animation. The CPU load jumps up only when the knob is animated, which doesn't happen always. I'll dig into it.
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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby The Setlaz » 15 Apr 2016, 23:58

Great! That seems to match exactly what I'm seeing!
Let us know as soon as you push a fix :P
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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby ACX » 16 Apr 2016, 18:44

I just pushed a fix to the issue, but I hadn't time to test any possible case yet. Please at the latest commit and give me a feedback about it.
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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby PeteB » 16 Apr 2016, 21:49

Tested, and the original problem seems to be gone.

However, I noticed that if a scroll through a long list of entries (for example a list of radio stations on Dirble), the CPU usage spikes while scrolling. Not sure if that was the case before, and I just noticed it now, or if that is new.

Also, when clicking on the border of the timer in the Playback screen it seems to change as if advancing, and sometimes shows three different tones of blue. Is clicking on that supposed to do something new? Or is it supposed to be disabled?

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Re: RuneUI high CPU usage in stream

Postby The Setlaz » 17 Apr 2016, 11:10


Seems to be fixed on my end too! Thanks a lot for that!

Added a screenshot for the blue knob color Pete was talking about. (need to click & drag to draw the circle)

Regarding the scrolling I do have CPU load as well when scrolling but I get it on any website so it seems more of a browser thing rather than a RuneAudio problem.
3_shades_of_blue.png (78.94 KiB) Viewed 1581 times
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