RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

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RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby washburn_it » 27 Nov 2015, 11:10


is it possible to have an UI optimization (if not already available) for existing (general) 7" LCD 800x480, (not only the Raspberry PI 7")?
I'm using a Waveshare 7" with HDMI input (and touchscreen) and the UI is displayed through the Epiphany browser (fullscreen).
To fit everything in the main screen I had to reduce the page zoom by some factor but then the "play, stop, forward and menu" buttons are pretty small and, since it will be used as media center in my car, I must be very "precise" to click with the finger on those buttons.
I don't know if there are technical issues but, maybe, a kind of configuration menu where one may set the size of those buttons and volume and time indicators? (considering these last two as if they were inside a square).
Best, regards.

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby hondagx35 » 27 Nov 2015, 17:22

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby washburn_it » 30 Nov 2015, 00:46

It worked thank you.
Time ago you told me that there is a way to "launch" a "shutdown" remotely to the RuneAudio "server" from the "client" (the one where there is the browser), how could I do it?
It would be useful for me since I can shutdown by pushing a button on the "Raspbian PI" that, through a Python script, launch the command "shutdown -h now" but it only shutdowns the "local" PI.
What I would like to do is to shutdown both PIs with the single button, the python script would launch the command to the other PI (connected through ethernet).
Thank you, regards.

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby washburn_it » 10 Dec 2015, 10:40

Hi Frank,

as I stated in my previous post, the "css" solution worked but....strangely it seems that the items that got bigger lost their "touch" precision.
I try to explane: if I touch, for example, on the "Library" link (but it's the same for the other two links) at the bottom of the main page to display the library page, I have to touch almost outside from its "blue area", on the top of this seems that the "clickable" area moved in another position, sligthly to the top.
Same thing with "back, play, stop, forward" have the "touch-click" event I have to click a bit below the button, almost on the black background.
Did you experience the same thing?
If I open the "Library" page and I click on one of the buttons, everything is correct...same for the other pages.
It seems that the problem is only on the main page.
If I close the browser (thus returning to the Raspbian desktop) everything is very precise, I mean if I click on an icon or button (the menu button for example) the "touch-click" event is recognized exactly where I touch.
Should I set something else?
Thank you, regards.

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Dec 2015, 18:21

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby washburn_it » 11 Dec 2015, 09:53

Well, as english use to say "a trouble shared is a trouble halved" ahah :D


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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby Dohmar » 30 Apr 2016, 02:59

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby hondagx35 » 30 Apr 2016, 11:05

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby Dohmar » 30 Apr 2016, 23:40

Hi Frank
Good advice, I'll give it a go - thanks
What I dont like is the size of the buttons, theyre too small for my fat fingers. I'd like to increase the size of the header and footer, as well as the general font when displaying the contents of a library. The layout in general is fine, I just need things to be bigger (Also would be nice to make the progress circle and the volume circle take up more space)

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Re: RuneUI optimization for 7" 800x480 (general)

Postby Dohmar » 01 May 2016, 05:06

I've had a play around and tried what you suggested with the inspecting item, however the browser output doesnt show the line at the bottom because they're using different css's.

If I increase menu-bottom height it increases the width of the footer, but it doesnt make the buttons any taller, so the buttons are anchored to the top edge of the footer. Increasing the font has no bearing on the button height.

Does anyone know how to increase the size of the 3 buttons on the bottom? If you change menu-bottom height to 60 pixels you'll see what I mean

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