I'm new to the world of the Raspberry Pi having just got my RPI3 today.
I want to use it as a UPNP client to play music via a USB port on the RPI3 into my DAC.
I have installed RuneAudio on the RPI3, and also the Android control app.
I have a working UPNP / DLNA music server (Asset running on a QNAP NAS drive) that is working fine.
The RPI3 has a wired connection to my home network.
Before installing RuneAudio I did install Raspbian and the RPI3 can "see" the UPNP server. I installed Kodi on Raspbian and it could play music from the UPNP server fine.
But I wanted to use RuneAudio since the RPI3 will be a dedicated music client feeding my DAC.
However - I can't see anywhere in RuneAudio to configure access to a UPNP server. It only seems to be talking about USB drives or network mounts. Can RuneAudio play music as a UPNP client please?