I'm having a nightmare getting samba to work with Windows 10. I have a music archive on my laptop HDD and all I would like to be able to do is transfer over a copy of new album to Rune when I get one.
I have an external HDD on the RPi3 and I am able to see the network folder and can read he contents of /mnt/MPD/USB/[myhdd] on the laptop. I have updated samba with rern's addons menu.
Sometimes it works flawlessly. I can transfer an album folder with no problem. Other times there are one of many issues happening:
- Transfer starts, but Laptop network connection drops completely.
- Transfer starts but slows to a crawl and just bumps along going nowhere, still connected.
- Windows shows me the transfer dialogue box but progress stays at 0%. Can't cancel. Explorer crashes.
- Unexpected network error 0x8007003B.
- Windows tells me the network path can't be found. Even though I can see the damn folder!
I have attempted many fixes suggested by various internet forums, but problems persist.
The Pi and the laptop are both connected with WiFi dongles. (I don't have a choice in this. Has to be WiFi). Maybe WiFi is the problem, but I don't use it all that often and I'm only transferring one album at a time. And I know it CAN work! Surely WiFi should handle a single album?
I'm not really asking for solutions, although if anyone has any insight I'd gladly accept it. All I want to know is this: does anyone use wifi to successfully transfer album files to a Pi HDD mount without all these problems? And reliably?
If it's possible for others then I'm hopeful to keep trying.
Thanks in advance.....