Samba shares stopped working

Raspberry Pi related support

Samba shares stopped working

Postby littlebone » 24 Apr 2016, 18:00

Yesterday my RPi could no longer see nor mount my Samba shares. The shares are on a drive connected to my router and before yesterday they had been working fine. Neither the Pi, nor the Router had been updated since they last worked.

I rebooted both devices (First the Pi, then the router) but still could not get the mounts to work.

I have linked to my debug info. I note -12 return codes at the end for the shares, but I don't see an indication of why that is happening. That log follows the reboot of my Pi, so I don't have any documentation of what happened when they failed before the reboot.

At the top of the log, I have placed the access to the drive from an MS Windows machine on the network. Also there is the result of an 'smbclient -L host' command, showing the Pi can reach the smb host that runs in the router. And for good measure, I pinged the router from the Rune client.

I did not change any sharing from the router and the router shows that the attached USB drive is shared and that guest logins are allowed.

Can you help me debug this?

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Re: Samba shares stopped working

Postby hondagx35 » 25 Apr 2016, 09:28

Hi littlebone,

i know this error from wndows shares.
In most cases it is a problem with the share itself and the client (for example see ).
Please check your routers log.

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Re: Samba shares stopped working

Postby littlebone » 25 Apr 2016, 16:13

Thank you, Frank:

I could not find the samba files referenced in that Article.(for example: /etc/pam_mount.conf.xml). ASUS must implement samba differently than the linux host the author uses.

However, I took his advice and tried to mount the directories manually, using this command format:

mount -t cifs // /mnt/MPD/NAS/Classical -o user=...

And the directories in the drive mounted fine and showed up in my Sources with a green check. I rebuilt the MPD indexes and now the music libraries are available.

However, this still doesn't answer why the Rune interface doesn't mount the drives.

I did note that my manual mount request required a p/w, yet I was using the guest account, which on the router is set to not need a p/w. I tried updating one of my sources in the Rune interface to use a userid and password, but when I saved the change and then looked at it again, it was back to guest log-in with no password. This kept happening to me yesterday when I was trying to debug the problem before posting a request here. I could not update my sources, nor could I add new sources.
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Re: Samba shares stopped working

Postby hondagx35 » 25 Apr 2016, 22:45

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Re: Samba shares stopped working

Postby littlebone » 26 Apr 2016, 21:37

Well, at least after the manual mounts it has stayed connected. I created a shell script to redo the mounts if they ever get removed again.

As for the Source edits: to make sure that it wasn't a browser issue, I tried to create a new source in a browser that has no plug-ins or ad blockers defined. After adding the new source and saving, the new source just wasn't there. It must have worked at one time because my three originals are listed. I'm not too concerned (yet) because I don't need to add new sources. I can put any new audio captures in one of the three sources I have defined.

At some point, if I ever get inspired to do so, I will burn a new Rune Arch Linux sd image and see if the problem is resolved.
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