Yesterday my RPi could no longer see nor mount my Samba shares. The shares are on a drive connected to my router and before yesterday they had been working fine. Neither the Pi, nor the Router had been updated since they last worked.
I rebooted both devices (First the Pi, then the router) but still could not get the mounts to work.
I have linked to my debug info. I note -12 return codes at the end for the shares, but I don't see an indication of why that is happening. That log follows the reboot of my Pi, so I don't have any documentation of what happened when they failed before the reboot.
At the top of the log, I have placed the access to the drive from an MS Windows machine on the network. Also there is the result of an 'smbclient -L host' command, showing the Pi can reach the smb host that runs in the router. And for good measure, I pinged the router from the Rune client.
I did not change any sharing from the router and the router shows that the attached USB drive is shared and that guest logins are allowed.
Can you help me debug this?