Samsung TV as DLNA DMR ?

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Samsung TV as DLNA DMR ?

Postby jazzaj » 10 May 2015, 13:35

Playing with the UI this morning, I just discovered under the Playback Tab that if I click on the MPD icon, I can access to the possibility of changing the source between MPD, Spotify, Airplay and DLNA.
Airplay and DLNA are grey buttons and I can't access to these options. I have turned off Airplay option in settings, so I figure it's normal, but I turn on DLNA and I wonder why I can't configure it.
With DLNA, I would like to use my Samsung TV (48H6200) as a sound source with my RPI2 via wifi because if I use my TV with my DAC via spdif, I get a poor and very low sound quality.
Is that possible ?
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