Screen black on Interface

Raspberry Pi related support

Screen black on Interface

Postby shivmanav » 22 Feb 2021, 15:31

We use Rune on Pi 3 B Plus like DIY RuneAudio + Re3, it stopped showing the interface after arranging it, I go to the basic interface and it doesn't build up on my pc, so I go a long way from their machine to try to arrange it, and just a dark screen appears. Pi has restarted several times but nothing at the same time.

Can someone please help me?

RuneAudio + R e3 with redesign from add-on menu 20200418

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Re: Screen black on Interface

Postby rern » 23 Feb 2021, 13:57

RuneAudio+R e3 was out for quite some time. Get the latest one .

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