Send/Stream-To any sound to RuneAudio from Android devices

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Send/Stream-To any sound to RuneAudio from Android devices

Postby sisyphos » 23 Feb 2017, 10:02


First of all I would like to thank you for the work. My Raspberry works pretty well and plays Music from my network. I like that, because I don't need to buy Airplay or Chromecast, which is for me not trustworthy, because of data tracking issues by Google or Apple. I'm running my Android devices without Google (yes, that's possible, so far).

What I'm now missing is an opportunity to send music or any other sound, which I play on my Android devices to RuneAudo. That could be a local files, but also any other sound, like On-Demand radio, vimeo etc... played by Firefox.

Is there a way to do something like "routing" any sound of my android device to RuneAudio? In other words: Airplaying to RuneAudio without Airplay?

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Re: Send/Stream-To any sound to RuneAudio from Android devic

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Feb 2017, 11:30

Hi sisyphos,

RuneAudio can act as a UPnP renderer by default.

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Re: Send/Stream-To any sound to RuneAudio from Android devic

Postby sisyphos » 23 Feb 2017, 13:08

Hi Frank,

thank you for the answer. But I still don't know how to do this.
Could you explain me how I can use Firefox (or any other browser) in Android to send the audio signal to the RuneAudios UpNP renderer? What Apps do I need? Any hints in configuring them are welcome as well.
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Re: Send/Stream-To any sound to RuneAudio from Android devic

Postby surfninja » 25 Feb 2017, 03:53

rAudio 1, Raspberry Pi 2B
rAudio 1, Raspberry Pi 4B
rAudio 1, Raspberry Pi Zero W
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Re: Send/Stream-To any sound to RuneAudio from Android devic

Postby McFly » 30 Mar 2017, 22:33

I imagine that to do this from a laptop instead of a phone is basically the same ?
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