Settings not saving; getting logged out

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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 21 Mar 2017, 03:41

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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 21 Mar 2017, 04:53

Update - it kept seeming like some kind of hardware issue - becoming unresponsive as soon as the unit started playing. Everything works up to that point, then, nothing. So, I took the assembly apart, and cleaned out everything with my camera blower, gave everything the hairy eyeball, and put it back together. So far, so good - it plays without locking up in the few short tests I've done this evening. Hope this is a good sign...
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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 22 Mar 2017, 01:08

Follow up - it seems to definitely have been a hardware problem. Everything's working fine now. Although now I'm afraid to touch the thing...
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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 25 Mar 2017, 03:11

Well, the hardware problem reappeared. Same symptoms - everything just fine until a file starts playing, then locked up.

I tried disassembling and reassembling again, no luck this time. However I suspect my hifiberry DAC+ pro may be hosed or something.

I'd like to try using just the audio out of the RPi to see if it works, but can't get it to make a sound. Everything looks right - I select Raspberry Pi Analog Out in the MPD settings, I have a working plug running into headphone jack, I can start files playing, but I get nothing. The clock doesn't even start running on the counter - it seems to know there's some kind of problem. I'm probably doing something stupid - any idea what it is?

Edit: that was easy - switching the output to HDMI and it works. Seems a bit non-obvious, but there it is. And everything is working fine with no hifiberry attached, so that's most likely the problem.

Another Edit: Argh - examining the hifiberry with a magnifying glass, found a short between pins 9 and 10 on the PCM5122. Down to the soldering station to fix that...

Yet another edit - it's not a short, its a trace on the pcb, it's supposed to be there. I checked the datasheet, Must be something else. I'll probably just buy another one or something else.
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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby hondagx35 » 26 Mar 2017, 11:28

Hi sduck,

have you already tried a different sd card?
What power supply are you using (Amps)?

Can you into your Pi while it is not reachable via the browser?

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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 26 Mar 2017, 23:30

Yes, I tried 2 different sd cards, same results. Power is from the canakit wallwart that is sold for these - 5.1v at 1 amp output.

It's been working fine for 2 days without the hifiberry installed, I'm not really inclined to reinstall it just to test things further. Obviously there's something wrong with it, I've ordered the non-pro version to try.
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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby hondagx35 » 26 Mar 2017, 23:39

Hi sduck,

1A is much too little for the RP3.
I would recommend at least 2 to 2.5 Amps.

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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 28 Mar 2017, 05:21

I hadn't considered that - it may be a root cause! I will investigate better options. Thanks!
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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby Stephane » 28 Mar 2017, 18:35

My PI3 with a 7" touchscreen and a Digiberry draws less than 5W or less than 1A at 5V.

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Re: Settings not saving; getting logged out

Postby sduck » 29 Mar 2017, 00:50

Ok, I found a 2.1 amp supply, and am getting the same behavior with the hifiberry dac+ pro installed. Freezes up right when playing starts. As per a previous question, I can't ssh into it while it's locked up like this either.

So I'm back to the theory that this hifiberry dac+ pro just doesn't work, or work correctly with this particular Rpi. I have the slightly cheaper hifiberry dac+ non-pro and a better power supply in my amazon cart. We'll see how that works out.
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