small bedroom system - which amp and speakers?

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small bedroom system - which amp and speakers?

Postby ABBDVD » 27 Dec 2014, 23:43


I'm new to this audio world and decided to go with the RPi & RuneAudio, HifiBerry DAC+ for a nice way to get my music from the NAS to my room.
Finding an amp and speakers turns out to be challenging which is why I would really appreciate your advice! The room is relatively small so I don't need much power. The budget is rather open but I want a good price-quality efficiency. I don't need the slightly, almost unnoticable better sound for an additional 200€. I have most of my music in 192-320Kbps mp3 quality, so there's this limitation anyway.

I have two almost unused JVC SP-D7. Are these any good or should I look for something new?

I was also reading a lot about those T-class amps, as for example the TP22: ... B00828UTE4
What should I look for? I tripped over the impedance, which apparently should be the same (or the speaker within the range named on the amp). Unfortunately this wouldn't be the case for the JVC speakers (6 Ohm) and the TP22 (4 Ohm).

One last thing - I'm looking to buy also such an IEC Inlet Filter, as mentioned for example here: listening-hardware-t135-10.html#p1486
What kind would I want? I'd probably rather want one which is from my usual wall power socket to the same again, sort of an adapter and not an IEC socket as I don't need / can't use an IEC socket to power my RPi. Or do I understand something wrong here? But those 'regular' power filters have the disadvantage of being really expensive.... :S

Thanks for any advice!

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Location: Region Zurich, Switzerland

Re: small bedroom system - which amp and speakers?

Postby LC1 » 28 Dec 2014, 12:44

For the amp, perhaps you should consider the SMSL range - not really T amps as they use newer chips by Texas Instruments, but supposedly better than the old Tripath chips. Google TPA3116 for more info on the chips.

I own both the SA-36a Pro (TPA3118 chip) and the more powerful SA-60 (TPA3116) - very little difference in sound quality between them, both excellent, they only differ in how loud they can drive your speakers (and SA-60 has a few more features). I didn't consider impedance, not sure if it's really an issue?

Some say these T or D class amps work best with very sensitive speakers, but they both drive my 84bd (very insensitive) bookshelf speakers well enough for my listening volume tastes.
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Re: small bedroom system - which amp and speakers?

Postby ABBDVD » 28 Dec 2014, 19:03

The SMSL SA-60 does look really interesting. It also says 3-16 Ohm in the specs i found here: ... 1705587244
So that wouldn't be a problem either for the speakers I have or new speakers I buy.

I might also get the everything except new speakers for now and try it. I have some speakers a little bit better which I can use as comparison so I have some reference at least. I'll maybe also go to an actual store and compare some speakers. Any store suggestion by chance for the region Baden-Zurich in Switzerland?

Thank you for your insight LC1

Update: So I ordered the RPi, HifiBerry and the SMSL SA-60 so far.
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Re: small bedroom system - which amp and speakers?

Postby ABBDVD » 26 Jan 2015, 22:35

So another update:
I hooked up those old JVC speakers and they worked well but the sound was ok but not mindblowing. I went to this store and listened to various different ones. I was considering "small" (as in thin) floorstanding speakers and bookshelf speakers as that's the most I can really fit into my room and they appeared to have a good price-performance ratio. So the convinced me most. Turns out that size makes a huge different in sound quality and most smaller ones (mostly also cheaper ones) just couldn't keep up really. This is probably obvious to most of you but was rather new for me, as I was buying speakers as not part of a set for the first time.
So I set them up, one in an actual shelf and another on a dresser. Definitely not perfect, but despite that the difference to the JVC's is huge.
Definitely the highest audio quality in the house :)

I ordered the (for 1A) EMI filter and will add that into the power loop once I get it. I power the RPi with a regular USB charger so I will put that in between the power socket and the charger together with a switch. I have no clue if or how it will improve the sound since the USB charger might be a culprit as well but it's a small investment, so we'll see. Just mind blowing imho that no company started selling regular "power adapters" with EMI filters except really expensive power stripes (or my googling is bad).
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Location: Region Zurich, Switzerland

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