Software Failure!

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Re: Software Failure!

Postby garethsnaim » 22 Apr 2016, 22:49

Agreed, sorry if I upset anyone. If album artwork is not available in album view then, I guess its not 'pilot error', but I am like 41 years old this year, I can take a knock or two.

For what its worth I like the interface, its simple and does what it says on the tin, shame its bummed out on the scan, I am going to persist though as the other fork has issues, the interface seems to freeze up and for sure there is *no* album artwork on that one.

One observation I have with all this distros is all sound seems a little forced, almost like there is gain applied just ti give everything a little more volume, which on my system at least is making it a tadge 'strident', its great for bass driven tracks of course, but becomes tiring in quite short order. However this could be elements of the very cheap USB to SPDIF converter I have chucked in the mix.

Can Rune be put on a more meaty computer or is it arm all the way?
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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rastus » 22 Apr 2016, 22:59

Group hug bro! I'm 56 this year, ouch. LoL!

Edit: A good quality low noise power supply, try a battery pack first, really makes it shine. Try...

Power Supply – Power Bank

Linear Power Supplies - any improvement in sound?

The Hifiberry (or similar) DAC HAT's really make a big difference. Or, a Hifiberry (or similar) DIGI, with coax/optical out to an external DAC. I've tried both, the DIGI is great outputted to a DAC of your choice... the Hifiberry (or similar) DAC that I use now is really exceptional for the low price, or even compared to a higher priced external DAC.
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Re: Software Failure!

Postby hondagx35 » 22 Apr 2016, 23:13

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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rastus » 22 Apr 2016, 23:22

Hardware setup would be nice too.... USB to external DAC ain't the best option for music, in my opinion.
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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rikardo1979 » 23 Apr 2016, 05:15

to get a good sound out of the RPi you should really get some DAC or Digi board so you push out to your DAC.
The worst is to use analogue output on RPi.

I just got this little kit and whit the i have it fully operational


And I tell you, it sounds really good for what it costs. I have this on decent setup I would say, not some teenage boombox :) and my music taste is a bit fine too
(Spendor D7, Sugden A21, Clearaudio Concept+Clearaudio Nano Phono, Pioneer SC-LX59, Philips CD753 with TDA1549,...)

So yes, you can get a really good sound out of it, but it needs some time and a bit of fiddling. But this is all about it, isn't it? If you get the into RPi than this is what it costs. Otherwise, better to buy ready made closed-end streaming device from well known brands as Naim, Linn, McIntosh, ...

But honestly, I took it to my local high end dealer and I coming there to buy stuff and for the events so we are pretty close.
We put this on quick test against streamers and DACs which cost around £4000 :o
And I going to quote him "wow, this little thing sounds really good. What was the price?...£150? wow...this is very close to device which cost almost £4000...)

Only problem he has was the remote application for iPad/iPhone. We could not fine any which would allow stream from Tidal into this. But this is no issue on Android devices as I using Bubble uPnP which is OK


So give it try, a bit more time if you can. Try more things and play around. You have nothing to loose here. This is all free so it cost you nothing, just your time and nerves :D
I know that time has highest value but if you can spare some it may pay back ;)

EDIT: check out , he is really good with his DAC reviews etc
Last edited by rikardo1979 on 08 Jan 2017, 09:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rastus » 23 Apr 2016, 06:16

rikardo1979 > Nice kit, I love that aluminium chassis! Did you get the Audiophonics Linear Regulated Power Supply ()?

If yes, were you able to compare between the normal PSU that came with the Pi and the Audiophonics LPSU? Can you describe the difference between the two power supplies in terms of sound quality? Good, bad, great, same?

Edit: I am waiting on a Geiseler LPSU (Australia) to be delivered, I'm very excited, nervous even, spent way more than I wanted to, but I have high expectations about the sound quality after connecting it up.
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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rikardo1979 » 23 Apr 2016, 06:24

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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rastus » 23 Apr 2016, 07:06

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Re: Software Failure!

Postby garethsnaim » 23 Apr 2016, 07:34

Some nice looking kit there.

I have a naim audio nDac, feeding into Naim Supernait into Ovator S400s. There is also a big yammy in the mix for surround duties.

The nDac does not do usb sadly so thats why the spdif converter is there. I did spot a hat thingy that just has spdif or coax out, which would be the option for me I think.

That being said I do after all these years seem to have a fair amount of computer kit. For instance, I picked up last year a little philips freevents computer at a bootie for a tenner. It was designed as a home entertainment system back in the day but is very compact has dual core intel and spdif out. Thats got daphile on it rignt now. I like daphile all the plugins are great, but the airplay never worked right and it works great on the Rune.

HAs anyone every purchased one of this wall sockets that look like your normal power outlet but also has a couple of usbs on it?
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Re: Software Failure!

Postby rastus » 23 Apr 2016, 07:49

garethsnaim > LoL @ "...a tenner..." UK, or Auzzie! I've got a Yammie RX-V2065.

"I did spot a hat thingy that just has spdif or coax out, which would be the option for me I think."

A Hifiberry DIG+, or compatible. You know you want it!

"HAs anyone every purchased one of this wall sockets that look like your normal power outlet but also has a couple of usbs on it?"

Please don't, I would strongly recommend you don't. It will not do the Pi's sound justice, and you are OCD about sound, aren't you? ifi iPower (link below), cheapest low noise PSU for the Pi, unless you want to build it yourself (which I don't), the price goes up and up from there.

Edit: SPDIF can be either optical or coax....
Last edited by rastus on 23 Apr 2016, 07:56, edited 1 time in total.
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