Solving the Most Common Problem with RUNE

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Solving the Most Common Problem with RUNE

Postby PerLinden » 30 Mar 2019, 13:34

The most common problem with Rune is not Rune, it is the SD card !

I had some problems during the years with my players.
It always ended with a rewrite of the SD Card.
Each time I write a card, I also make a spare/copy nowadays.

Problems with SD cards have been reported in other Forums,
for example Volumio and HiFi Berry.
I am always using branded high quality (as the say !) SD cards, like SanDisk, 16 or 8 Gb.

I assume the problem with corrupt memory is related to age and temperature.
In a camera mobile and in a digital camera, the memory is erased and overwritten frequently.
Also, the temperature is lower than on a "boxed" RPI (or similar) with a HAT for the audio interface.

My proposal is to provide a checksumming (MD5 or SHA1 or similar) at boot/power up, and an automatic verification
of the correctness. A checksum is probably already available somewhere in the image.
I can here your comments !

Boot time will be longer, round 10 sec for SHA1 and a nominal image size.
And yes, in some extraordinary cases, the checksumming can not be performed due to a memory error.
If the computer does not boot up at all, after some attempts, you will know you have any type of severe error.

And how to inform the user that there is a checksum error ?
There are more or less complicated ways, the choice is left to the Rune developers !

Regards and Thanks for Rune !
Posts: 17
Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 11:04

Re: Solving the Most Common Problem with RUNE

Postby LeighP » 12 Aug 2019, 21:57

Why not, on later Pi models, simply use the option to boot from an attached hard or flash drive?

Leigh..... - the new place for rAudio.
Posts: 96
Joined: 27 Jan 2018, 10:27
Location: United Kingdom

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