Hi: I really like the Rune player setup for Rasperry Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry i2s (DAC +). Easy to use, very intuitive and found my NAS files instantly (unlike Volumio, Max2Pay, etc). However, can anyone tell me how to increase the output level from the Pi/DAC combination? (Volume is set to 100%). The same kit, using MoOde player, produces output sufficient that I can run my Audio amplifier (Arcam) at a volume level of around 35 - 40 for comfortable listening (which equates to CD listening normally), whereas Rune player doesn't even produce anything audible at the same level - I have to wind the Amplifier volume up to around 70 before I experience good listening levels. I have set the Pi up with the 2017 Beta image file, so as to avoid having to physically edit the config.txt file (which I can do - but why?). Basically, the very low output level I get using the Rune Player is unacceptable as it stands. There has to be something I'm missing!
For the time being therefore, unless there's a configuration setting I'm missing, I've gone back to the MoOde player - for no other reason that if I leave the Amplifier on that volume setting using Rune, and my other half uses it to play a CD, it'll start playback at a scary level. ( a level of 55 can be herd well outside the house).