Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

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Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby Mixerhead » 06 May 2020, 17:17

Hi: I really like the Rune player setup for Rasperry Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry i2s (DAC +). Easy to use, very intuitive and found my NAS files instantly (unlike Volumio, Max2Pay, etc). However, can anyone tell me how to increase the output level from the Pi/DAC combination? (Volume is set to 100%). The same kit, using MoOde player, produces output sufficient that I can run my Audio amplifier (Arcam) at a volume level of around 35 - 40 for comfortable listening (which equates to CD listening normally), whereas Rune player doesn't even produce anything audible at the same level - I have to wind the Amplifier volume up to around 70 before I experience good listening levels. I have set the Pi up with the 2017 Beta image file, so as to avoid having to physically edit the config.txt file (which I can do - but why?). Basically, the very low output level I get using the Rune Player is unacceptable as it stands. There has to be something I'm missing!

For the time being therefore, unless there's a configuration setting I'm missing, I've gone back to the MoOde player - for no other reason that if I leave the Amplifier on that volume setting using Rune, and my other half uses it to play a CD, it'll start playback at a scary level. ( a level of 55 can be herd well outside the house).
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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby cmh714 » 06 May 2020, 19:13

login via ssh and run alsamixer to check/set levels
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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby Mixerhead » 06 May 2020, 22:08

Sounds simple enough. However, while being familiar with various scripting languages, plus Java, C, C++, etc. (long retired Software Engineer) I am not very familiar with Linux and have a Win 10 pc, not a Mac or Linux set up. There is apparently a Secure Shell app in modern Win 10 implementations, so no doubt I could try that. But I'm uncertain as to what parameters to apply. [user]? [password]? I assume the [server] is just the IP address on my network of the Pi/DAC combo. And even if I did manage to communicate, I'm not sure what instructions to look at or give the device in order to query the Alsamixer.

Is there a way to set levels in config.txt or elsewhere on the SD card? This is in the same realms as having to modify config.txt just to utilise the DAC as an I2S output device. It's cranky and not user-friendly. Love the player interface, love the phone app - but this sort of stuff now leaves me cold.

I can't be the only person to have this issue. MoOde just does it. Not such a good interface, and no phone app, but it works like it should, and the Alsa parameters are available via the configuration menu. At least Rune connected with my NAS quickly and without fuss, unlike many of the other players out there.
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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby cmh714 » 06 May 2020, 23:52

Hmm, it used to be reachable via the URL on a different port but I dont believe that is implemented in the latest version.....learn some commandline and ssh.....

Download PuTTY (an ssh client) and WinSCP (an SCP client)....the first will allow you to login to the Pi via the network so you can run commands on the command line like "alsamixer"....WinSCP is basically a graphical UI, "Explorer" like that will allow you to drag and drop file between you Win10 and Pi.

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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby Mixerhead » 07 May 2020, 23:38

Back in the day, I learnt and used command line stuff for both CP/M (remember that?) and then DOS. I realise Linux is "where it's at" today, but I'm long retired and want something a little simpler and would like stuff to just work without getting back into fiddling and debugging applications at command line level (or, even worse, at processor code level).

Out of interest, I added the ssh file to the boot area of the SD card so as to activate ssh which is apparently turned off by default and restarted the Pi. Downloaded puTTY and attempted login from my win 10 pc. I used the default log in and password, but access was denied (I haven't changed the login). So no joy.

As for the competition, MoOde, for example, permits adjustment of the Alsa Mixer within its configuration pages (headlessly, via browser - see attachment) Rune, to its discredit, needs command line changes The earlier Rune installation image required config.txt changes to accomodate the various I2S HAT's. MoOde lets you select your DAC or whatever from a drop down list. It seems like Rune is not being updated as it should be to be taken seriously and usable by people who can do some basic stuff like flashing SD cards and configuring the system, accessing NAS drives etc (or not accessing them in several alternatives - Max2Play apparently wanted me to change the entire file structure of my Synology NAS).

Is there a text file or anything else that can be added to the boot instructions to set Alsa Mixer to 100%? Or is Rune really only for those that are Linux afficionados or experts so as to make it work properly? It really is clunky in comparison with some other players.

So "learn some command line and ssh"? Not really going to fly, I'm afraid. Thanks for the response though.
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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby cmh714 » 07 May 2020, 23:56

in Rune ssh is enabled by default. user is root and password is runeaudio

not sure what else to say..... GL!

I guess one last thingy is I dont see what version you are running.....if its janui's 0.5 version, I believe that can get to alsamixer from the browser using http://your_rune_ip:8080

if its Rern's version from this link: runeaudio-r-e3-t7014.html then no, you can only do so via ssh...

again, GL!
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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby rern » 08 May 2020, 05:00

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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby Mixerhead » 08 May 2020, 11:07

My version is release version: 0.4b (build: 20170229). If there's an 0.5, where do I find the link please?
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Re: Sound output level from Pi 3 plus HiFi Berry DAC +

Postby Mixerhead » 08 May 2020, 13:34

Just downloaded 20180903_10_runeaudio_rpib2.img.gz and reflashed the SD Card. Fired it up after selecting the right DAC and resetting the NAS music source and other settings.

Sound level is fine in this version - I can leave my Arcam amp at around 40 in terms of its volume and all is well. So a well done at this point to whoever fixed this. No SSH, no command line tinkering. This is much better. Need to let the various purveyors (like wifi Berry) know about the update because they and others still have the older images that require tinkering to work properly.

I liked the interface and the phone app before, but I would have to say now I'll use Rune instead of MoOde.

Thanks all.
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