Hello Pieter,
I have a version of RuneAudio 0.5b, a sort of pre-release for 0.6b which supports Spotify Connect. I use as my main player at the moment. It has some minor bugs, which I will probably not correct. You can try it if you want to, but please note that I will not provide any support. I am too busy with other things at the moment. I have not tested Rern's addon's, I would be surprised if this works. There is no equivalent version for the Pi 1 (models A, B or Zero), it works only for only for the Pi 2 (models 2B, 3B, 3B+ and 3A+) and there is no support for the Pi 4B.
Download link:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/szaru2s7g ... mg.xz/fileDownload file name: 20190301_runeaudio_rpiB2_prerelease.img.xz
Download file size: 1323376000 bytes (1262 MiB)
Download SHA256: C8D16D40788514A144F5FBE1256CFFF33417C43ED8684FABFECA8163C336F10B
Image file name: 20190301_runeaudio_rpiB2_prerelease.img
Image file size: 4510720000 bytes (4301 MiB)
Image SHA256: EC0C99ACE595DED44D7A7704CB4AE18596BE7412BAFDDC440CD8605BFED3847D
There are some updates for this image, a normal git pull will not work. You need to log in via SSH and run the following commands from the CLI:
cd /var/www
git config user.email "any@body.com"
git config user.name "anybody"
git config --global core.editor "nano"
git stash
git pull --no-edit
https://github.com/gearhead/RuneUI.git/ 0.5b-dev
chown -R http.http /srv/http/
find /srv/http/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find /srv/http/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find /etc -name *.conf -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find /usr/lib/systemd/system -name *.service -exec chmod 644 {} \;
chmod 644 /etc/nginx/html/50x.html
chmod 777 /run
chmod 755 /srv/http/command/*
chmod 755 /srv/http/db/redis_datastore_setup
chmod 755 /srv/http/db/redis_acards_details
chmod 755 /etc/X11/xinit/start_chromium.sh
chown mpd.audio /mnt/MPD/*
chown mpd.audio /mnt/MPD/USB/*
chmod 777 /mnt/MPD/USB
chmod 777 /mnt/MPD/USB/*
chown -R mpd.audio /var/lib/mpd
If I change anything I will keep this up to date, occasionally running these commands again may provide an update.