Spotify Playlists

Raspberry Pi related support

Spotify Playlists

Postby dajand » 28 May 2018, 19:45

Is anyone else having issues with Spotify personal playlists? Mine were showing up when I last used it a couple of days ago but not any longer. Is this a common issue, or maybe it's just me. I'm using the latest version on a Pi3.


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Re: Spotify Playlists

Postby Holladiewaldfee » 01 Jun 2018, 12:41

Spotify has change the protocol.. the problem is on all Ras.Pi Audio Clients! Some have wrote a patch in the last day´s.
We need this for RuneAudio, to.. but i cant programming
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Re: Spotify Playlists

Postby dajand » 04 Jun 2018, 11:07

Hi Holladiewaldfee, thanks for your reply it's much appreciated.

Thanks for the information, like you I'm not a programmer so, unfortuntely, I can't be of much help. We're just going to have to wait for the clever ones to weave their magic.


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Re: Spotify Playlists

Postby Tall Person » 11 Jun 2018, 20:39

Yes both of my raspberry pis worked fine with spotify for months and have stopped working recently so none of the playlists load and hence cannot play from spotify through runeaudio.
-Raspberry Pi B rev 2, Hifiberry DAC
-Raspberry Pi Zero W, Hifiberry DAC, Runeaudio 0.4
Tall Person
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Re: Spotify Playlists

Postby janui » 25 Jun 2018, 07:38

Hi dajand, Holladiewaldfee & Tall Person,
I looked at this Spotify issue at the weekend. It is certainly broken, in my case it logs in correctly and returns one useless entry. Several weeks ago, I received an email from Spotify announcing their new improved user interface. This thread started at about the same time.
It seems that the latest user interface enhancements have effectively killed libspotify and therefore also spop which Rune uses to access Spotify. The libspotify library was ‘depreciated’ (unsupported) since 2015, it has not been working correctly for some time, so it’s not totally unexpected that it has now finally stopped working.
There is a potential solution for someone with the skills and time. There is a newer Spotify library which is supported called librespot. This is not a product from Spotify, it has been reverse engineered from the Spotify interface itself, so it is unofficial. Almost all current Spotify related products for Linux use it. If someone would re-engineer spop to use librespot instead of libspotify we would have a working solution. An alternative could be to re-engineer libspotify to use librespot.

I have contacted Thomas Jost the maker of spop. Don't expect a fast solution. He says he will probably look at re-engineering it using librespot, no certanty that it will work, or when he will have time to do it. If someone has the skills, time and motivation to help you could contact him via:
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Re: Spotify Playlists

Postby Tall Person » 17 Jul 2018, 20:20

Guys, surely, there must be more than four of us using raspberry pi with runeaudio? Is this the end for runeaudio and raspberry pi at least for spotify?
-Raspberry Pi B rev 2, Hifiberry DAC
-Raspberry Pi Zero W, Hifiberry DAC, Runeaudio 0.4
Tall Person
Posts: 16
Joined: 16 Sep 2017, 19:43

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