Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

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Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby deenski » 02 Mar 2017, 14:37

Hi Frank,
I swear I have exhausted every guide you've written on this for every person you've helped solve this issue. I cannot get spotify to load my playlists. Let me give you the breakdown.

1. I have a premium account, double checked.
2. The correct username and password have been entered
3. I have about 14 playlists on spotify.
4. I am working with the hifiberry amp+, and have it enabled in /boot/config.txt, it works fine.
5. I have checked the log files for errors, I have not seen anything that stands out.
6. The only thing i've done to stray from your guides is that I had to delete the mpd-watchdog file
in /srv/http/command prior to using the git pull command, due to an error which requested I do so. I have double checked is there after the
git pull command is run.
7. I have switched the audio input back and forth from Analog Out and the amp.
8. Sometimes when I switch back to spotify the folder I see is: undefined(undefined)
And sometimes it is Favorites(0)
Either way it never pulls my playlists.
9. I have logged out on all devices via spotify, and re-tested everything, still no playlists are being pulled.
10. I have even tried to rename a playlist "Favorites" in an attempt to just get anything at all.
11. I have tried a fresh install, repeat the process, 3 times now.

11. I am sorry to have to ask, and am incredibly grateful for any advice.
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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby hondagx35 » 02 Mar 2017, 14:45


it seems Spotify support is broken due to an outdated / deprecated library (libspotify).

We have to find a solution for this as soon as possible.

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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby deenski » 02 Mar 2017, 15:03

Thanks Frank, I thought I was losing my mind... I was certainly pulling out hair.
Let me know if I can help in any way.
Thanks again.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2016, 16:47

Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby phalanger » 03 Mar 2017, 12:00

Spotify on Rune seems to still be dead.
Are there any plans to fix this or is development on Rune halted?

SInce I want to be able to use Spotify, I will sadly be switching to a different software for my RPi music player until this functionality gets included in Rune.
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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby ianhaynes » 03 Mar 2017, 13:25

I've no idea what can be different but I use a Spotify Premium account on Rune (both with the normal beta, 20160321 and the latest 0.4 beta) and have no problem at all. All my playlists are visible and I'm listening to one of them as I write this.

No help to you I appreciate.

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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby betocool » 04 Mar 2017, 02:37

I'd like to add that the same is happening to me, either "undefined(undefined)" or "Favourites(0)" after switching outputs back and forth.

Any help or workaround with that is greatly appreciated.

At the moment, as a workaround, I'm playing Spotify on my Linux PC and streaming via pulseaudio-dna. Seems to work fine, with the odd package being lost here and there, due to a dodgy network setup.


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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby vapochilled » 04 Mar 2017, 05:59

In the same boat, spotify is sort of broken.
That said, if you need to use someone to try fixes with, I'm happy to help any way I can.
Really love the rune layout and want to fix it, rather than go elsewhere
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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby betocool » 05 Mar 2017, 05:10

What I find weird though, some claim it still works for them.

May there be some regional issue? I'm in Australia.


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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby JohnC » 06 Mar 2017, 16:55

It's weird indeed. My Spotify (in New York) did not work last week. But, I check again yesterday, it came back.
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Re: Spotify, tried everything, playlist undefined(undefined)

Postby Ancipital » 06 Mar 2017, 23:18

Ah, that's actually something of a relief. I thought I was missing something there, getting a bit frustrated, trying to make it work. It's a shame it's broken, but at least I can stop banging my head against it now!
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