Hi, I am having some problems with my RuneAudio on my Raspberry Pi B with static IP ethernet eonnection.
I used the UI and set the network to a static setup. Worked fine, and is accessible from any home PC (and externally with port 80 forwarded).
However, if I reboot the device, when it boots back up it has no network connections and is not accessible from anywhere. I logged in with keyboard and screen, and "ifconfig" shows eth0 has no IP.
I edited the /etc/dhcpd.conf and manually added IP, DNS and Gateway settings. Restarted dhcpd service and all working again.
This happens everytime I reboot the Pi though. /etc/dhcpd.conf is still populated, but I have to restart the service everytime I reboot it.
Are static IP's not supported in RuneAudio?