since I will use RuneAudio in my car as car media center I tried to set a static IP on the RuneAudio Raspberry (B+) (following a guide found on the net) and a static IP on the RuneUI Raspberry (PI2 with Raspbian and Epiphany browser).
I then connected both Raspberries through an ethernet cable (simulating how they will be connected in my car) and everything worked out .
That was 2 days ago.
Yesterday I connected both Raspberries to my network switch and surprisingly the "RuneAudio B+" was unreachable even if "ping" was responding.
Then I connected a display and a keyboard to the "RuneAudio B+" and typed "ifconfig eth0"...it reported correctly the IP that I assigned two days ago.
I rebooted it two times but it was still not responding to the "RuneUI PI2"...then I connected them together again (I mean not through the network switch) and everything started working again !!
Why this strange behaviour??
I updated the system through RuneUI at the last update available (don't remember the date but the release year is 2015).
Thank you, regards.