Strange lag when streaming from a NAS

Raspberry Pi related support

Strange lag when streaming from a NAS

Postby cyruz » 30 Jun 2016, 16:07

Hello guys,

I have the following setup:

Raspberry Pi B+
Sabre ES9023 DAC
8192cu based Wireless stick, connected to my network (power management and usb suspend disabled through kernel module parameters).

I stream song from my NAS (normal mp3 music) but I have a lag problem. Every now and then the reproduced song freezes for 1/2 seconds.
Checking the network I noticed that some packets (1 on 50) lag considerably (from 1500ms to 3000 ms), causing this problem.

Increasing the buffer size doesn't improve the situation. What is strange is that songs are like not buffering at all. The freeze happens as soon as the network is experiencing the lag.

Any hints on what can be the cause of the problem?

Debug is attached. RuneAudio version is 0.3 beta. RuneUI updated to June 29, 2016 nightly.

Thanks everybody :)
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Re: Strange lag when streaming from a NAS

Postby cyruz » 30 Jun 2016, 22:58

I replaced it with a rt2800usb stick and I have less dropouts, although the speed is quite low compared to the previous one and audio still freezes every now and then.

No hints on how to solve this problem?
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Joined: 30 Jun 2016, 15:57

Re: Strange lag when streaming from a NAS

Postby cyruz » 01 Jul 2016, 11:10

I tried increasing max current and I don't have any more dropped packets, but audio dropouts are still there... It's really insane.
Posts: 3
Joined: 30 Jun 2016, 15:57

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