Stream audio input

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Stream audio input

Postby richardhaupt » 14 Aug 2017, 20:58

Hi all

My apologies if this has been covered somewhere else - I did try to find answers first. Also, this is my first post.

I have downloaded and set up Rune on a Pi3 with no issues. However, I seek assistance with one additional issue:

I'd like to be able to input a 'line in' to the Pi and stream it on the other devices (eg: a radio). Is this something that can be done? I understand that there is no audio input functionality on the standard Pi, so I'd have to look at something like this: ... put-dongle

Essentially the Pi unit will not be the audio output device, but rather a collection point for various media. The other network devices will be the output devices.

If anyone can assist I'd be grateful.

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Re: Stream audio input

Postby gaustabl » 03 Sep 2017, 17:38

I have been hoping to get the same thing working, and using my ir remote to control the volume.
I have now used to many days trying to get this to work, whit out any luck.
Using Runeaudio i have got my remote working on the system (mpd) volume, but have not found any way to loop my audio from toslink input to toslink output (usb soundcard).

Using raspian and pulseaudio i was able to send thei toslink input to the toslink output usigg;

pactl load-module module-loopback source=alsa_input.usb-0d8c_USB_Sound_Device-00.analog-stereo sink=alsa_output.usb-0d8c_USB_Sound_Device-00.analog-stereo

But problem then was that i was not able to control volume using my ir remote.

So i join you in your search, and maybe someone can help us...

best regards Lars
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Re: Stream audio input

Postby jahau » 07 Mar 2019, 11:29


I know this is old thread but this is also exactly what I want. Input some audio from line in (HIFIBERRY DAC+) and stream that to anyone interested in the LAN.

Is rune audio suitable for this kind of setup or shall I continue looking something else? Thanks.

Any comments welcome!
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Re: Stream audio input

Postby eea123 » 11 Mar 2019, 10:41

Good question and one I am not familiar with either since I'm using Rune as a traditional network player. It would seem that conversion of an analog source to a digital stream might be a chore depending on desired resolution / sampling depth. Wouldn't the fastest route would be start your own free streaming radio station (local LAN) and tune to it using webradio on RuneAudio? This article seems pretty old, but it appears that they use WinAmp as the front end for digitization, see ... _free.html. How interactive of a DJ do you want and or need to be?
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Re: Stream audio input

Postby janui » 11 Mar 2019, 13:36

Hi richardhaupt, gaustabl, jahau & eea123,
This looks interesting: ... y-dac-adc/
The required drivers are unfortunately not available in the current RuneAudio kernel. Hopefully we will have an updated kernel shortly.
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Re: Stream audio input

Postby eea123 » 14 Mar 2019, 11:29

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Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 19:19

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