struggling with web radio please help

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struggling with web radio please help

Postby matt » 16 Dec 2014, 22:17

I cant get any webradio stations to play, maybe I am musunderstanding how this works.
I would like to retire my tuner. There are a few fm stations I like that stream on the internet and if I do it on windows they have a popup window with a "player".
can I get runeaudio to play this type of thing?
If I put in the url of the popup or a link to it nothing plays.
I've seen a post saying you need to change the url to numbers with a text editor. Is this what I need to do? How does that work?
this is the url of one of the stations ... x#popup_np

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Re: struggling with web radio please help

Postby LC1 » 17 Dec 2014, 09:19

Hi Matt,

it took me a while to work this out too, I think it's confusing because it says "radio URL", but this isn't the same as the browser URL for the station webpage.

Basically, you need to find the .m3u file for the stream.

E.g. go to Vtuner and locate a radio channel that you want, then right-click and use "save as" to save this .m3u file somewhere on your PC.

Or any other source for these playlist files.

Then open the file using a text editor, such as notebook. The text that you'll find there is what you need to copy/paste into the URL bit on Rune.

Good luck!
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Re: struggling with web radio please help

Postby matt » 17 Dec 2014, 09:56

Wow that was easy once i knew what to do. VTuner was a huge help, I didn't even know it existed.
Thanks LC1.
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Re: struggling with web radio please help

Postby LC1 » 17 Dec 2014, 10:21

No problem at all, happy to help (there's very few areas that i can on here, as I'm not particularly IT literate!).

I've just copied in some stations that play Christmas songs all year round, haha!
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