Suggest a I2s DAC for me....

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Re: Suggest a I2s DAC for me....

Postby LC1 » 14 Feb 2017, 23:37

Hi Yatsushiro,

thanks for sharing your thoughts on this - you are clearly following the same forum threads as I am! :)

I even joined AoS just to ask Josie to elaborate on her review a little. I was a bit confused because she seemed to rate The Boss so highly, even more than Kali/Piano, but then seemed to suggest IQaudio still preferred for some music styles...It made me think that perhaps there really is little to separate these DACs in terms of objective quality, more that it boils down to individual preferences.

I agree with you that I would be very surprised if Kali + slave isn't 'the best' option, but that the price point of the Boss plus its convenience (for cases etc) makes it an attractive prospect!

Burn in is a funny thing. It may be that it is still too early for these reviewers to commit to a final conclusion!?

EDIT: Or because of a mistake in the design! Oops :))
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Re: Suggest a I2s DAC for me....

Postby netizen » 20 Apr 2017, 06:44

Hello , newbie here :)

Currently I have a Pi2 + HiFiBerry DiGi+ -> coax -> Denon reciever. I was quite pleased with this setup till the day when I tried to test Asus Xonar U7 as a external sound card of the Pi. It was a huge improvement! And I was really happy with it. Unfortunately Xonar died , after a small research I found that this is normal and reported by many users across the world.

Now the question: I'm looking for an upgrade , actually wondering between IQaudIO Pi-DAC+ and Mamboberry LS DAC+ . Which one to choose? In this forum I read for the first time for Kali, so is it a mandatory hardware? Or maybe let's say Mamboberry will be good enough compared to Asus Xonar U7?
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Re: Suggest a I2s DAC for me....

Postby netizen » 24 Apr 2017, 14:03

anyway, bought Allo Piano + Kali 8-) till now I'm quite impressed!
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Joined: 20 Apr 2017, 06:14

Re: Suggest a I2s DAC for me....

Postby orchardaudio » 06 Aug 2018, 15:04

How do you like them apples?

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