Dear Santa Klaus,
You already did an amazing job, however for my new version of RuneUI I would like:
1) MPD :
A scrolling list of outputs without having to edit the config.txt file (Rasperry I2S outputs)
Programing is not m'y best... at all
The display of the installed version of RuneUI in "show status"
A langage set-up menu
An automatic download and installation of the lastest stable version in Backup/Restore
A wifi hotspot support in order to use the Raspberry as a mobile, stand-alone server (using the onboard Wifi of the Raspberry3)
A display of the lyrics from LastFM (for instance) below the two knobs and the art display
An automatic search for the missing album artworks from amazon (or where ever...)
An first sorting option using only the first lettre of the album tittle with a direct jump to the letter. The letter could be displayed in capital Inside a big blue squarre (exactly as it is done on Lumia phones for the contacts list)
An optionnal display of the album artworks as a miniature
An album Ranking (based on the classical five stars...)
Library main menu:
The direct integration of QOBUZ and TIDAL (without using BubbleUPnP
A "Browsing by favorites" tile (based on the number of stars)
A "Browsing by composers" tile, only for classical music addicts