Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby hondagx35 » 16 Jan 2016, 00:04

Hi Carl,

this image has all the features as the standard one, so you can connect to it with a browser as usual.
Navigate to the settings page (MENU->Settings) enable the local browser and save the settings.
After a reboot the local browser (the UI) should be displayed on your 7" display.

Please do a git pull and modify the local settings as described .

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby Cayenne » 16 Jan 2016, 16:03

Thanks Frank, I figured it out ---enable "local browser" using a remote browser first then reboot......I thought it would boot straight to the local browser UI.

It works but I have:
NO HiFi Berry just analog out on the Pi....

I have almost no linix skills so I have no idea how to edit the OS as You suggest. I'm going to guess but not try= disable local browsing, boot to login and i'm lost after that????
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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby hondagx35 » 16 Jan 2016, 18:20

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby rlsten » 19 Jan 2016, 16:06


I am curious; how is the ability to scroll in this image implemented? Is it a function of the matchbox window manager, the Midori web browser, or the display driver, or something else?

The reason I ask is because I am trying to put together a sort of all-in-one, battery powered enclosure that contains a low power computer like the Raspberry Pi, a USB DAC (the Chord Mojo), an SSD, and a touchscreen. I had hoped that the combination of the Raspberry Pi official touchscreen and your Runeaudio image would be ideal, but I've run into a couple of problems. First, the RPi/7" Screen combo requires a lot of power, which means I needed more powerful powerbooster/charger combinations that I had been using. But more problematic is the fact that the sound quality on battery power is less than ideal. There seems to be some kind of (admittedly very mild) interference when on battery power when using the Pi/Screen combo. I don't know if this is a function of lack of power, the less than ideal USB implementation, or some extra sensitivity of the Mojo, but it seems to only be present when on battery power.

This problem does not exist when I use a Cubietruck and Runeaudio, but to my knowledge, there is no touchscreen available for the Cubietruck (other than attaching one to the HDMI port, which doesn't work well with my enclosure concept).

What I have found out is that the Banana Pro seems to be a possible solution for what I want -- except for the lack of Runeaudio :(
(It also doesn't have on board support for a battery like the Cubietruck). There is no crackling or interference, there are touchscreens available (I am using the Lemaker 5" version), and there do not appear to be any special power issues when on battery power.

I read somewhere on this forum that you don't see a need for a Banana Pro Rune image given the existence of the RPi and the Cubietruck, and I can understand that, given that the Cubietruck is a truly full-featured board, and that Rune Audio is generally targeted for control from remote locations rather than from the machine operating the Rune image.

But now that you have applied Rune to the touchscreen with the Pi, and given the lack of a true touchscreen for the Cubietruck, I was wondering if I could somehow apply some of what you have accomplished with Rune to the Banana Pro--specifically the way your interface operates in the touch environment. For example, I have been unable to emulate a right click on the Banana Pro running Lubuntu 14.12, and most of the MPD clients available require a right click to add whole directories to the active playlist. Further, I can't seem to emulate a scroll wheel with the Banana Pro, which makes browsing through a long list of directories very difficult. Both of these deficiencies are not problems with Runeaudio - your browser based interface does not require right-clicks, and you have successfully implemented mousewheel-type scrolling.

So, since I can't hope for a Banana Pro image given all the other projects you are undertaking, I was wondering if there was some way to port a Rune-like interface to the Banana Pro.

Any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much,
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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby TJH » 20 Jan 2016, 14:19

Is there any particular reason why you have to use a USB-DAC rather than a Pi Hat Dac (HiFiBerry, IQaudio etc)?
Although I haven't tried myself others in the forum say that USB-DACs use more power and have other problems (possibly including the noise you have) that the Hat DACs which use I2S just don't have.
Why not try one and see for yourself?

Also you and I and many others love the idea of a screen/Pi/SSD/DAC box.
Before the new 7" screen became an option I got a Pi/HiFiBerry/SSD/WiFi arrangement working without too much trouble as a WiFi controlled head unit in car. I couldn't get it going with Rune but it was pretty easy using Max2Play. I wanted the much better RuneAudio UI.
Now that the screen is available I want to change to a Pi/HiFiBerry/SSD/Touchscreen arrangement for the car. I can't get the screen working with Max2Play, and still want to use Rune, so Frank's work on the Rune/screen is just what I need.
I don't know what the power requirements are, but hope that one 2A supply will do it all. Power is of course less important for a car application.

Another suggestion for reducing power would be to try the new Pi Zero and a Hat Dac. I don't know if Rune runs on the Zero though. Yet more work for Frank and the brainy bunch!

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby TJH » 20 Jan 2016, 14:27

I'm hoping to try this soon.
Is the image still the one you gave a link for in your post of 9 Nov (page 5of this thread), or have I missed a move somewhere else? Can the link "stick" somewhere?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby hondagx35 » 20 Jan 2016, 23:13

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby hondagx35 » 20 Jan 2016, 23:29

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby lcg » 22 Jan 2016, 20:03

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Re: Support for: 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

Postby rlsten » 23 Jan 2016, 14:46

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